We definitely had a feast for the eyes, ears and necklines this past week with Mary Hettmansperger’s Expressions in Jewelry and Judith Yamamoto’s Japanese Temari Techniques classes in session. Although the materials and methods range from copper and hammers to fine threads and needles, the end results were equally inspiring and creative. Bringing out the colors in the brass and copper sheets, embossing, layering and adding found objects opened so many avenues to create personalized jewelry. I’m sure the jewelry boxes at home were excited to see their new companions! Wrapping a ball, marking “equators” or obi’s to form a grid and using traditional embroidery stitches yields these dazzling results, with the basket shown below on the right the Temari made […]
Time to Bead and Weave!
Each day of Diane Fitzgerald’s Anything Goes…with Beads class had a special theme or focus (as posted on the easel in the studio) with of course, time set aside to work on individual projects, some of which incorporated the class “mascot”. We won’t focus on Friday (with sad face, shown above, signifying the last day of class and good-byes said for this year), but instead look back at some of what the students were doing on the six previous days. As the last beads were being stitched into fabulous jewelry, the first heddles were being threaded by the beginning table loom weavers. Instructor Nancy Frantz guided the students through the steps involved in weaving a small sampler that can be used as a runner. As […]
Making their mark
For the first week of August, Stephanie Robertson’s class made their marks on fabric by screen printing, indigo dyeing, ice dyeing, direct painting, foiling, experimenting and discovering each day. Each time we walked into the studio the pieces changed as step one led to step two, three, four…and more. The indigo works it’s magic on the odd, but carefully planned combinations of clips and folds and ties. Bright and colorful, with jellyfish or without, the fabrics tell stories and leave their mark within the walls of the Walter Studio. A sneak peek into the overlapping class, Diane Fitzgerald’s Anything Goes…With Beads shows one of their first points of focus: zippers. We can’t wait to share more in the next post!
Local Color
For the first few days on a walk over to the studio and finding no one there, the question was… where is Donna Kallner’s Local Color to Wear class going next? Off on field trips to Percy Johnson County Park, the Stavekirke, Jackson Harbor Ridges and more, students found in all those places the local color and photographs used in their class projects. The basis for learning, experimentation were their own photos, ones taken on the Island (like the bracelet above with the image of the Stavekirke roof as background), natural dyes, sun and thermofax screen printing on fabric. Combined with found natural materials, beads and stitches, the pieces took shape. A lavender-filled sachet, book covers, bracelets, pins, bookmarks and small art pieces, along with […]
On Location at Sievers
Whether in the studios, at Sunset Resort, the Red Cup Coffee House, Jackson Harbor Soup and Sandwiches or on the boardwalk, last week’s One-of-a-Kind Jacket class with Mary Sue Fenner and Knitting on Location with Carol Anderson had great locations to sew, knit and show. Starting with handwoven or commercial fabrics, a couple of suitcases of patterns and about 70 Mary Sue Fenner Originals, the week was filled with altering patterns and creating fun and inspiring jackets (and more). As always, Carol Anderson brings her full line of Cottage Creations patterns, samples, fun stories and knitting expertise to all locations, Sievers and otherwise. The class worked on specific techniques from some of Carol’s patterns and then had their own projects as […]