It’s getting closer to Sievers Gathering time!
The weekend begins with our workshops, Bead Embroidery Basics with a Side of Weaving offered by Francie Broadie and Beginning Splint-Woven Basketry with Geri Rock. The workshops will run Thursday, September 27 at 2pm until Friday, September 28 at 4pm.
Some of our updates since the last posting in July:
Our Friday evening social time with cookies and refreshments will be held in the Walter Studio from 5 pm to 8 pm. Some of the Sievers history and photos will be on display there. The Sievers Shop will be open until 8 pm as well.
Judie Yamamoto will be demonstrating Japanese Temari on Saturday afternoon.
Two additional vendors have been added: Island Edibles and Sweet Mountain Farm.
The garage sale hours have been extended to 3:30 pm! New items include an Ashford Traveller spinning wheel and Patrick Green picker. We also have a copy of the hard-to-obtain book on woven coverlets, “Keep Me Warm One Night”, a used 36″ Sievers Floor Loom and a quilt frame. All of these items and more will be part of the garage sale silent auction. Along with the W.I. Recreation Center and Trinity Lutheran Church Stavekirke parking area, a donation from the proceeds of the garage sale will go towards the W.I. Community Center’s kitchen improvements.
With a purchase of $250 in the Sievers Shop, you will receive a complimentary Sievers cookbook!
If you plan to stay for Saturday’s late afternoon/evening “Wine Down”, please bring a light snack, crackers, cheese or bottle of wine to share. We’ll provide other beverages, cake and more.
The Trueblood Performing Arts Center has scheduled a benefit concert featuring Island musician Julian Hagen (and friends) on Saturday night at 7:30. Tickets are available at the door for $18.
As a reminder, a $15 registration fee gets you 10 door prize tickets towards Sievers Gift Certificates and merchandise. You can call us or go to our contact page to securely send credit card information.
We’ll send out another post during the week leading up to the Gathering for any additional updates and information on restaurants.
2018 Sievers Gathering
Thursday, September 27
10 am – 5 pm (Sievers Shop) – Registration and Door Prize Location. Selected yarns, books and fiber art supplies sale.
2 pm – 5 pm (Sophie Studio) – “Bead Embroidery Basics with a Side of Weaving” Workshop with Francie Broadie
2 pm – 5 pm (Walter Studio) – “Beginning Splint-Woven Basketry” with Geri Rock
Friday, September 28
9 am – 4 pm (Sophie Studio) – “Bead Embroidery Basics with a Side of Weaving” Workshop (con’t)
9 am – 4 pm (Walter Studio) – “Beginning Splint-Woven Basketry” with Geri Rock (con’t)
10 am – 8 pm (Sievers Shop) – Registration and Door Prize Location. Selected yarns, books and fiber art supplies sale.
5 pm – 8 pm (Sievers Shop) – Late shop hours
5 pm – 8 pm (Walter Studio) – Friday Evening Social Time, Refreshments, Sievers History Display
Saturday, September 29
9 am – 5 pm (Sievers Shop) – Registration and Door Prize Location. Selected yarns, books and fiber art supplies sale.
9:30 am – 3:30 pm (Sievers Garage) – Fiber Arts Garage Sale
10:30 am – 3 pm (Sophie Studio) – Vendors
10:30 am – 3 pm (Walter Studio) – Demonstrations, Make & Take projects
3:30 pm (Walter Studio) – “Fiber with a Flourish” Show and Tell; Door Prize Winners Announced
4:30 pm – 7:30 pm (Walter Studio) – Sievers Gathering “Wine Down”. Wine, sparkling water, cheese and light snacks in a social setting.
To see the details on the Gathering weekend, you can refer to this post from July.
Sure wish I could be there, but it is just not in the cards this year. The programs offered sound great.
Hope you have a wonderful Gathering and maybe things will work for me to visit next year. Say “Hi” to all. Love, Linda
We will miss you, Linda! It just doesn’t seem like a “Sievers Year” unless you’re here. We think of you often…take care and whenever it is, it will be wonderful to see you again! Love back to you from all of us.
If you’re coming to Sievers Gathering, bring some beads for my Beads and Beadwork Roadshow on Saturday morning, 10:30 am to noon. I’ll tell you stories about your beads, where they were made, why they are importantn a little about their value and more! See samples of beads from the smallest on up.
We can’t wait, Diane! I’m planning to use your same wording in the next Gathering update. Thanks!