The Sievers Gathering is set for September 27-29! This is a great way to keep in touch with each other, meet Sievers instructors and it’s also an opportunity to return to Washington Island and share of sample of what happens at Sievers School with a friend. All visitors are welcome and all events are open to the public. Here’s what’s waiting for you…
Workshops – Two workshops are scheduled during the Gathering. These one and one-half day sessions begin on Thursday, September 27 at 2 pm and end on Friday, September 28 at 4 pm. They are: Bead Embroidery Basics with a Side of Weaving taught by Francie Broadie and Beginning Splint-Woven Basketry taught by Geri Rock. There are limited openings in these workshops. Please email us or call 920-847-2264 by Thursday, September 20.
Workshop 1 – “Bead Embroidery Basics with a Side of Weaving” with Francie Broadie – $200 (includes materials).
Thursday, September 27, 2 pm – Friday, September 28, 4 pm
Learn the basics of bead embroidery! If you can thread a needle and sew a straight-ish line, you have what you need to succeed. Students will make a small bead-embroidered pendant, then learn kumihimo, a Japanese braiding technique, to create a unique cord to display your pendant. This will be a fun class with room for personalization of the project. For all levels.
Francie Broadie has been a student at Sievers since 2009, primarily in Diane Fitzgerald beadwork classes. Eclectic, vibrant, and intricately detailed, her jewelry designs include a variety of new and traditional media. Her art has been sold in dozens of galleries and shows and she teaches classes, including at the Bead & Button Show in Milwaukee, WI. Francie lives in Indianapolis, IN.
Workshop 2 – “Beginning Splint-Woven Basketry” with Geri Rock – $200 (includes materials).
Thursday, September 27, 2 pm – Friday, September 28, 4 pm
In this workshop, you will create two functional baskets, a tall Fancy Ribbon Basket and a Cherokee Market Basket. Focus will be on learning the basic skills and includes pattern weaving, shaping and attaching rims and handles. For all levels, but geared for beginners.
Geri Rock learned basketmaking at a YMCA in Kentucky about 30 years ago and soon became hooked. She attended her first class at Sievers in 1988 and has returned for many basketry classes since then. Geri has taught basketmaking to friends, through a guild, at Fox Valley Technical School in Appleton, WI, and in her local school system. Geri makes her home in Kaukauna, WI.
Registration Fee/Door Prizes – With a registration fee of $15, you will receive 10 tickets that will give you 10 chances at a number of different Sievers-related door prizes including Sievers gift certificates. Additional tickets will be available in the Sievers Shop.
Friday Evening Social Time – We will be extending hours in the Sievers Shop for social time and refreshments. Plan to visit, shop and gather! Photos and more from the past 40 years at Sievers will be on display. The shop will have selected yarns, books and various fiber arts supplies on sale. The shop will stay open until 8 pm. Cookies and refreshments in the Walter Studio.
Sievers Fiber Arts Garage Sale – This continues to be a very popular event at the Gathering. The Fiber Arts (and more) Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, September 29 from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm. Many items have been donated for this already and we welcome yours, if you have any to donate. Some of what we have so far include a sewing machine cabinet, spinning wheels, Patrick Green drum carders, a wood quilt frame, fabric, yarns, books, household items and much more. There will be a silent auction for some of the items and a “boutique” table. Like last time, it will be “make an offer” for most items. Proceeds from the garage sale will be shared with the W.I. Recreation Center and the Trinity Lutheran Stave Church for their parking lot improvements.
– Shop from 10:30 am – 3 pm on Saturday in the Sophie Studio. Our Sievers instructors, including Lynn Stracka Schuster, will have a table of their artwork for sale, including jewelry and handwovens. Shannon Young will feature her Island photography on canvas and cards, Mike Miotke will have handmade wood ornaments and the W.I. Women’s Club raffle quilt will be here. We will tell you about additional vendors in a future Gathering post
Demonstrations – This is a chance to meet Sievers teachers and students as they demonstrate a variety of the subjects taught in Sievers classes, answer your questions and share their enthusiasm for fiber arts. Demonstrations will take place from 10:30 am – 3 pm on Saturday in the Walter Studio. They will include Woodcarving with Jerry Landwehr, a Looping Sampler including netting and nålbinding with Donna Kallner, and Bead Lore with Diane Fitzgerald (bring your Granny’s beads, some flea market beads or your favorites). As a bead collector, writer and traveler, Diane will share how they were made, where they’re from and which era they were popular. More demos will be announced later.
Make & Take – In the Walter Studio, at the same time as the demonstrations, there will be two “Make & Take” opportunities offered by Nancy Akerly and Francie Broadie.
Nancy will have morning and afternoon times for “Door County Origami”. Make a bird and stand-up tree in one session and/or a fish and sailboat in the other. These are about 10 minute projects and a nominal fee will be collected by Nancy at her table.
In a morning session, Francie will guide you in making shrink plastic earrings, charms, etc. Fun for all ages! A small fee for materials will be collected by Francie at her table.
Knit-In/Stitch-In – Share some knitting/stitching time together, inspire each other and the Gathering visitors with your current project! A table will be set up from 10:30 am – 3 pm in one of the studios to meet and knit, crochet or stitch.
Show and Tell – Bring your favorite garment, piece of jewelry or other fiber art (basket, quilt, handmade book, handwoven, etc.), inspired by a class at Sievers. Be prepared to share it’s story for an audience of fellow fiber folks. We’ll start the show and tell at 3:30 pm in the Walter Studio.
Gathering “Wine Down” – In lieu of a dinner banquet, please join us in the Walter Studio, anytime from 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm for a wine and cheese social. Sparkling water, lemonade, cider, coffee, tea and cake will also be available. There is no charge for this event, we only ask that you bring either some cheese, crackers, a light snack or a bottle of wine. This allows you a chance to eat dinner at your choice of restaurants. We do recommend making reservations at those places that accept them, including the Sailor’s Pub and Hotel Washington. We will be updating Gathering information in September and will list the restaurants that will be open, whether reservations are recommended and if so, their contact information.
Accommodations – Our housing is filled (sorry)! For other Washington Island accommodations, please visit or call 920-847-2179.
Ferry Schedule – For the September W. I. Ferry schedule and fares, please visit or call 800-223-2094.
*The registration fee of $15 (which includes door prize tickets) and/or any workshop fees ($200) should all be paid in advance by check or with a credit card through the Sievers website on the Contact page or call us at 920-847-2264.
2018 Sievers Gathering
Thursday, September 27
10 am – 5 pm (Sievers Shop) – Registration and Door Prize Location. Selected yarns, books and fiber art supplies sale.
2 pm – 5 pm (Sophie Studio) – “Bead Embroidery Basics with a Side of Weaving” Workshop with Francie Broadie
2 pm – 5 pm (Walter Studio) – “Beginning Splint-Woven Basketry” with Geri Rock
Friday, September 28
9 am – 4 pm (Sophie Studio) – “Bead Embroidery Basics with a Side of Weaving” Workshop (con’t)
9 am – 4 pm (Walter Studio) – “Beginning Splint-Woven Basketry” with Geri Rock (con’t)
10 am – 8 pm (Sievers Shop) – Registration and Door Prize Location. Selected yarns, books and fiber art supplies sale.
5 pm – 8 pm (Walter Studio) – Friday Evening Social Time, Refreshments, Sievers History Display
Saturday, September 29
9 am – 5 pm (Sievers Shop) – Registration and Door Prize Location. Selected yarns, books and fiber art supplies sale.
9:30 am – 3:30 pm (Sievers Garage) – Fiber Arts Garage Sale
10:30 am – 3 pm (Sophie Studio) – Vendors
10:30 am – 3 pm (Walter Studio) – Demonstrations, Make & Take projects
3:30 pm (Walter Studio) – Fiber Art Show and Tell; Door Prize Winners Announced
4:30 pm – 7:30 pm (Walter Studio) – Sievers Gathering “Wine Down”. Wine, sparkling water, cheese and light snacks in a social setting.
Updates will be posted as Gathering time nears.
I am really interested in getting better at a type of rug called SHIRRET. Any chance of Sievers finding a really good teacher and offering a class at Sievers? Win-win for me! I miss all of you and hope to see you at the Gathering!
That sounds interesting…I have not heard of that, but will look it up. We hope we’ll see you at the Gathering, Cindy!