February 1st is approaching quickly! That day, all of our 2019 classes will be open for registration and descriptions along with complete information will be available on our website, https://sieversschool.com
Some reminders…Registration begins Friday, February 1st. Classes that receive more registrations during the first week (Friday, February 1 through Thursday, February 7 at 4 pm Central Time) than have space available will be subject to a drawing and we will begin a waiting list for those classes. All registrations received during that registration week time frame will be treated equally, that is, there’s no advantage to register at midnight on February 1st.
Your credit/debit card will not be charged until after you receive a personal email or call from us, confirming your registration and spot in the class. The auto-confirmation email you find in your inbox after registering online just lets you know your class and housing choices have come through.
Remember that you can always use the search box on the website to look for a class and then click on either the photo or title to read all the information before registering. If for some reason you have questions or problems, please know that you can always call us at 920-847-2264.
To mark our 40th anniversary (1979-2019), will we draw one name each day between February 1 and February 7 from the list of those who have registered that day. Those seven daily winners will each receive a $40 Sievers gift certificate that can be used towards class fees or in the shop.
Featured on the cover of this year’s brochure is a quilt made by Kelly Kroon in one of the 2018 Open Quilt Studios. Titled “Prismatic Star”, it is a Judy Niemeyer/Quiltworx pattern. It was front and center in the Walter Studio in July and caught our eye then as it does today.
To see the class schedule flyer click on Sievers Class Schedule 2019. To see only the list of classes, click on Sievers Class List 2019. Here is a look at the full 2019 Sievers Brochure which will be mailed out by the end of February.
Here are some of the new classes offered in 2019:

Nuno-Felt Scarves – Dawn Edwards – June 3-5

Felt and Nuno-Felt Hats – Dawn Edwards – June 5-8

Cartonnage: Magic Box – Nancy Akerly – June 14-16

Rigid Heddle Weaving – Deb Jones – July 29-August 3

Baltic Knitting Extravaganza – Sandy De Master & Mary Germain – July 24-28

Painted Papyrus, Mica Pages –
Daniel Essig – August 19-23

Random Willow Weave – Jo Campbell-Amsler – September 13-15

Explorations in Twining –
Karen Tembreull – September 5-8

Woodcarving: Songbirds or Walking Stick–
Jerry Landwehr – September 18-21

Busting the Stash – Judith Yamamoto – September 23-27
Sievers Scholarships are available towards class fees. Please contact us for information. The deadline for applications is April 1.
We look forward to our time together in 2019!