During the visits between Karen Tembreull’s Explorations in Twining class and Kay Rashka’s Metalwork Jewelry Boot Camp last week, exclamations of “these two classes couldn’t be more opposite” were heard. That may be true when it came to the materials used and the manner in which they were manipulated, but the work was equally matched in artistry.
These petite, twined baskets started with a vintage spigot handle as a base and incorporated cedar bark, waxed cotton, rush, roots and freshly cut Siberian Iris leaves from the Walter Studio garden.
A variety of shapes and combinations of materials made for unique treasures. Karen brought bundles of prepared barks to use in the baskets and several examples of her own twined pieces.
The plant materials gave way to copper, brass, silver and stones along with hammers, torches, cutters and snips in the metalwork jewelry class. From the tools, etching solutions, pattern examples and more, came earrings, bracelets, rings and pendants.
River stones, coral and turquoise, family photos, found objects and etched designs that have meaning to each individual made for personalized jewelry pieces.
Show and tell of the finished work on the last morning gives everyone a chance to see what’s been created during the 4-day metalwork class.

One definite difference during the week was the weight of the materials brought for class. (We know you’ll guess which “won out” in this category.)
It is a testament to the time and care all of our instructors put into their classes, no matter if they’re hauling (literally) a ton, harvesting and preparing natural materials, packing their van or truck to the ceiling, assembling the supplies needed or weaving, sewing, beading, dyeing, carving, felting or knitting samples ahead of time. We cannot thank them enough.
When it comes to class materials, whether it’s animal, vegetable or mineral…all are welcome!
Karen is a super instructor…patient, organized, knowledgeable and she brings the best of materials. The only thing that could make the class better is if it lasted 5 days instead of 3. Just the best. Thank you to Sievers, Karen and a great group of classmates.
We agree 100% and are looking forward to what Karen will offer in 2020!