Hello dear Sievers friends,
With the most recent “Stay at Home” order for Wisconsin extended to May 26, 2020, we want to let you know that we’ll be making a decision on our June classes (Classes 1 through 7) during the week of April 27.
We’ll be posting that information here, on our social media sites and will be directly notifying any students registered for those classes via email or phone.
We’ll also let you know about what’s “in store” for the Sievers Shop as we go forward.

This is the time of year that we reflect back on our time spent together and at the same time anticipate seeing you come through the door. More than one student has come in saying, “I’m home!” With that said, all of us at Sievers are waiting to welcome you home.
We hope you are all staying safe and well and spending some of your time with a fiber art (or other) project at hand. One of our favorite Sievers phrases, “Happiness is in your hands…”, is as true today as ever!
Hi Ann,
I went back to the email where you offered the treadle minder and did see that tax and Shipping were extra. DUH. I also liked Walter’s term for the treadle minder – Deconfuser. It’s so Walter!
Thanks, Lee Ann. You’re right, that term is so Walter. We love looking through the early catalogs and advertisements, seeing the positive salesmanship that Walter used! Take care from all of us at Sievers.
I’ve got a number of batik designs already drawn and ready to wax. I’m really hoping that class will still be held at the end of June – so looking forward to seeing all of you!
We are hoping the same, too, Mary!! It would not be a Sievers season without batik! Take care from all of us at Sievers.
I hope you all are well. I think of you often and wish times were different . I am sure that you know, the Chicago area has some very serious problems. My family, neighbors and friends are staying home. Usually one of us, that being me, does the grocery detail, but that is only once a week. The dog gets walked 5 times a day, and the rest of time is spent in the house. It just seems so different here. So quiet with no traffic and no air planes flying over.
I try to put my mind right on Island time and remind myself of better times.
Be well and God Bless, Love, Linda
Your dog Is going to be spoiled, if it isn’t already. He or she will want to be walked 5 times a day from now on. I tried baking cookies today. “Tried”. I’ve also been sewing masks and donating then via JoAnn fabrics. Glad to here you are well.
Lynn Garman
We are all doing well. We are fortunate that being a small town, there are times you can be in the grocery store by yourself. But that still doesn’t mean that you’re 100% safe, given the nature of all of this. It sounds like you’re taking care of a lot, be sure to take care of yourself, too! Miss you and we will see you!! Love, Ann, Cindra and Carolyn
I love your little reminder that happiness is in our hands! We who love all things fiber are blessed to have such a wonderful variety of things to do while we stay home…like us…since March 10th. I have enough hand spun yarn to keep me busy for several years! And yet, I am hoping all will be well by August so I can learn to weave on the island!
Prayers go up that the island be, and remain, virus free. We have no cases here…yet, so the good Lord willing..I will see you in August!
Thanks, Carol! Sounds like your hands have been very happy. We are looking forward to August, classes…everything! I do wonder how many people’s yarn stashes have diminished over this stay-at-home time. Take good care!
During the last three weeks I have immersed myself in creativity. I am embroidering some pieces for my granddaughters that they will be able to open when they have their own homes or apartments. Along with what I have made will be a letter from grandma that will describe today’s world. I have some photos that I will include also.
I certainly hope that the summer schedule at Sievers will happen as planned. Coming to the Island was always such a gift! The solitude, the people and the fresh air always changed me and was so satisfying. All the best to the wonderful folks at Sievers.
That is wonderful Karen! We love what you’ve done and thanks for sharing it with us. I wonder how many people have been creating, specifically to remember this time? We will do the best we can for classes, especially in June. Thanks so much and take care! Carolyn
Noooo! But a trip every year to Sievers is what keeps me relatively sane!
We will do our best!
Carolyn, that reflection photo NEEDS to be enlarged and framed! It speaks to the viewer of serenity. Thanks for all you ladies do disseminate that peace.
Thank you, Penni! I was actually hoping for a different photo, but turned around, saw the reflection and thought “this could be good”. We missed seeing you in March but hope you are doing well. Take care, Carolyn