For the month of August, two classes were able to be held and like last time, one was quilting (Open Quilt Studio) and the other was knitting with Mary Germain, Baltic Knitting Extravaganza. With good weather, the knitters were able to spend most of the time in the lawn outside of the Sophie Studio. With a limited number of quilters, tables and machines were spaced at more than the recommended distance.
As always, each quilter brought several projects to start, finish and/or show. Some quilts in progress represented more of a traditional look and some had a modern approach.
Doreen Speckmann inspired. An old nightgown form the blocks in this baby quilt.
The quilt on the right is a “deconstructed” Washington Island. Note the white dots along the north shore representing Schoolhouse Beach and the stitching showing the airport.
These quilt tops made with 1930’s-reproduction fabric are meant for charity.
From learning Baltic knitting techniques on a mini-mitten to going on to design and knit pair of adult mittens, the knitters were immersed in pattern, color and sunshine.
A mitten made in a previous class will soon have its mate!
Even though the classes weren’t conducted in exactly the same manner as in a regular year, the spirit of sharing, laughing and learning together, inside and outside the studio was evident.

These words were used for many years in the class brochure and we’d like to revive them now with an opportunity to create your own Sievers studio time. From Monday, August 31 through Friday, September 25, we have studio space available. (Limited capacity and all recommended guidelines would still be in effect. For Sievers School alumni only.) Very limited housing is also available. If you wish to propose a rental for some of those days, please contact us with your thoughts. You can use our Contact page or email us at mail@sieversschool.com.
We’ve thought of offering this before and now is the time, especially due to the current circumstances. We’re using this year as a learning opportunity, too!
So many of us are thinking about Sievers this summer. I know all of us who have been students before have such fond memories of our classes on the Island. Let’s hope by next summer we will be able to come and learn again!
We miss you and hope you are all well.
Thank you, Karen! We are hoping exactly the same thing. We miss seeing so many of our students’ friendly faces! Take care and we’ll see you again!
I missed Sievers SO MUCH this year. See you next year.
We missed you too, Pam! We’re already looking forward to 2021! Take care, Carolyn