All of a sudden, the rare and not-so-rare flowers are blooming in the marshes, the woods and along the roadsides. It won’t be long before we’re on the lookout for Lady Slippers.
If one Trillium is wonderful, how would you describe hundreds of them?

These lovely flowers certainly stand alone, but in keeping with our idea to occasionally feature work in our shop, here are a few flora-inspired items that caught our eye:
Ceramic Buttons from Cornwall, England $2.50 each Ceramic Pins $12.50 and Pendants $13.50
Tatted Cards $6.95 each Beaded Bracelets-Top $32, Bottom $45
Chicken Pincushions $25 Baby Bibs $18.50
Baby Bib Tops $30 Felt Flower Pins $16
If you’re interested, please use our Contact Us page to enter your name, address, credit card information and a message. For all of these items, shipping and sales tax (if applicable) would be added to the total.
While we’re in the office from Monday through Friday, the shop will be open to visitors from 10 am – 4 pm. Weekends will remain by appointment for now, making time to “stop and smell the (whatever happens to be blooming at the moment)”. We hope you are doing the same!
Thank you for sharing the Island with us. I think it is a great idea to feature items from the shop. Miss you all. Sally
Thanks, Sally, we miss you, too!
Beautiful flower photos, Carolyn! Thank you!
It was my pleasure to find these hidden and not-so-hidden gems!
What a great day! Forget-me- not woodland and opening photo! Thank you, Carolyn! I treasure the trillium in my garden and a whole woodland is amazing. We are in the midst of house repair work that involves noise and dust, but I try to exersize in the garden with every decent day. Finally sun after days of rain and humidity , watch out weeds !
Thanks, Mary! I think all these flowers are going to be short-lived. Seems we’ve almost missed spring…it went from mid 30’s to 70’s within about a week and usually the Island has such a long spring.
A bit of normalcy in the midst of chaos.
Yes! Something definitely needed at this point in time!