Attention weavers! A limited production run of Sievers Horizontal Treadle Minders just made their way from the woodworking shop to the office. The treadle minder comes with screws for attaching it to your loom, 10 shot cards and “minder peg”. Cost? $24.00. Sales tax and US Mail shipping is extra. If you are interested in ordering, please use our website Contact Page where you can let us know your order in the Message box and enter your credit card number. https://sieversschool.com/contact/
Or call! We’d love to hear your voice. 920-847-2264.

We looked back to see when these were first offered. It was a mere 39 years ago, in 1981. This is just another one of Walter Schutz’s ideas come to fruition. He referred to them as “deconfusers” saying “the peg does all the work for you.”

Attention knitters! The Shetland Wool Week 2020 website (see below) has posted a free hat pattern, Katie’s Kep. They’ve included four colorway suggestions, one using Jamieson & Smith 2-ply, the other three using other Shetland wool brands. However, we have approximated colors, as close as we can, to our stock of J&S. Note: Colors can be slightly misrepresented in online photos.
If you’d like a little Fair Isle in your knitting queue, we’d be happy to send you the yarn. A total of six balls is $29.70. US Mail shipping and sales tax (for Wisconsin residents) is extra. Again, please use our website Contact Page where you can let us know your order in the Message box and enter your credit card number. https://sieversschool.com/contact/ Or call! We’d love to hear your voice. 920-847-2264. Here are the four choices:

The free pattern, Katie’s Kep, can be found and downloaded at https://www.shetlandwoolweek.com/free-knitting-pattern/ .

Although you can see a bit of lingering ice or snow here and there, for the most part there are whispers of spring all around us, including clear, blue waters like these. For that and many things, including our friendship with you, we are very grateful!
I am always delighted to get this newsletter. gloria
How nice, thank you Gloria!
Will you be holding classes as planned this summer…..or has the virus disrupted your plans.?
Hi Karen, We’ve made no decisions yet. The first class is scheduled for June 1, so we have another few weeks to go before we decide. We certainly hope all of our classes take place!
Can you recommend a book I can order and possibly an online tutorial to access so I can learn fair isle knitting? Cabled sweaters are the most difficult things I’ve knitted and I usually wrap the yarn with the left hand, so I have difficulty following others who wrap with the right. It’s a good time to learn something new.
Hi Pam,
Here are some that our teachers recommend.
Fair Isle Knitting: Practical Handbook of Traditional Designs
Art of Fair Isle Knitting by Ann Feitelson
Complete Book of Traditional Fair Isle Knitting by Sheila McGregor
Knitting with Two Colors by Meg Swansen
We do have the last one listed in the shop, as well as one titled, The Very Easy Guide to Fair Isle Knitting by Lynne Watterson $22.99
Hope this helps, and thanks for asking!
I have been knitting the Arne and Carlos Quarantine knit along for a couple of weeks. I am using up my stash.
I think the Katies Kep would be a nice project to use my new skills. I will order a kit or two entertain myself and to support Sievers through these tough times. I really enjoyed the Shetland Week site.
Good for you, Mary! We love seeing Arne and Carlos creations. Thanks and let us know how your Kep turns out.
I finished my first Katies Kep. I started the School House Beach hat yesterday. I am really enjoying Knitting these hats. I may have to order another kit. Although there is enough yarn left over to make another hat or two, if I had another skien of one of the A colors. Do you sell individual skeins of this yarn? I would really like to make a green Katies Kep for a friend. I only used 3 or 4 grams of the second color A skien. Also using a size 3.25 mm needle the hat fit my 23” head beautifully.
Hi Mary!
Great to hear that you’ve enjoyed knitting Katie’s Kep! I’m eager to make one myself.
Yes, we’d be happy to send individual skeins. Just let us know which kit the “A” color came from. We actually have a total of 93 colors in all…if you wanted to see the full array, you’d want to go to the Jamieson and Smith website and look under Yarn for 2 ply jumper weight.
Happy knitting!