Since 2017, we’ve kept a Sievers calendar close by, writing in the names of students and teachers who we haven’t seen for some time that happen to stop in for a visit. Generally, we have several entries each week and during July and August, it can be several each day. We love re-connecting in this way and keeping this record has been so much fun, we wish we would have thought of it years earlier!
Just a couple weeks ago, a former student stopped in while biking on the Island. She’d taken one class here in 1987, spinning with Franie Philps. Since our first year, Sievers has offered spinning and Franie was the instructor from 1982-1999. For one of her classes in 1999, she was unable to come and Deb Jones stepped in to teach. When Franie retired from teaching at Sievers in 2000, Deb was (and continues to be) the perfect choice to guide beginners and challenge intermediates in the art of spinning any number of fibers into yarn as well as exploring rigid heddle weaving. Deb also leads fiber tours and teaches at any number of places, including her own Fiber Garden in Black River Falls, WI.
Beginning Spinning with Deb Jones Rainbow Dyeing is part of Deb’s Beginning Spinning class.
One student who took the Handspinner’s Sampler class that Deb offered at Sievers in 2001 was Virginia T., a Washington Island resident now for more than 20 years. Virginia has shared her love of spinning with us and with knitters through her handspun yarn sold in the shop. A perennial favorite, we’re offering a selection here that can be ordered and shipped, or held for you if you plan to visit us.
100% Falkland Wool, L-R: Seascape, Celtic Thunder, Peacock, Firefly, Blueberry L-R: Merino, Superwash Merino & Silk in Maple Leaf & Merino Silk in Wine Festival
100% Polwoth Wool, L-R: Breeze, Trapeze, Mirth. Hand knit scarf using one skein Falkland wool.
The Falkland Wool skeins range from 150-215 yards each and are priced between $28 and $34 per skein. The 70/30 Merino/Silk and 40/40/20 Merino/Superwash Merino/Silk skeins average 185 yards at $34 each, and the Polworth Wool around 180 yards at $30 each. All skeins are about 4 oz. and the sample scarf was knit using a size 7 needle. Several skeins of each are available.

We also have handspun art yarn in the shop from another of Deb’s students, Faye A. Each skein is a one-of-a-kind blend of fibers. Skeins range in price from $10 to $21 and from 30 to 150 yards.

Deb has sent us cozy hand-dyed socks each year and each year, a lot of them end up walking out of the shop with happy customers! Sized to fit a women’s shoe size 5-10, if you’d like to name your favorite colors, we can send a pair (or two) to you at $13.50 each. Footie socks are $9.00 and baby socks are $7.50 each.
A variety of colors! Sock size 9-11 fits shoe size 5-10.
If you would like to order, please use our Contact page where you can safely include your name, address and credit card information. Or call us at 920-847-2264. Just specify colors, amounts, etc. We can add a Sievers 2021 calendar, too! Sales tax for Wisconsin residents and shipping will be added and we’ll let you know the total.
There’s no chance we’re “spinning a yarn” here at Sievers…unless we’re actually spinning yarn!
WOW! I love this story! So many great memories over more than 20 years of teaching at Sievers. And we’re still going strong! Looking forward to many more. Thank you to all the Sievers staff who make our time there so memorable and renewing.
Thanks, Deb! Just think of all those you’ve introduced to spinning and dyeing and weaving and how many continue to learn from you. What a wonderful gift you’ve given them and us, too!
Does anyone need Blood Root for dying? It has gone wild in my yard and I have too much. Free to anyone who wants to come and get it in Sturgeon Bay, WI.
Those pretty, white flowers…I hope you find some takers!
Opps, I mean dyeing, the juice does not bother my skin when I dig it up. I have never eaten it, so I don’t know if it would be toxic to eat.