Coinciding with the first days of fall were two weaving classes, Beyond Beginning Weaving with Susan Frame and following that, Beginning Weaving with Nancy Adams and assistant instructor, Susan Johnson. What better time than fall to add to your weaving repertoire or to learn something new? (Actually, any time is good, but fall does have that special “time to start a project” feel.)
In the Beyond Beginning class, students had a choice of projects, suitable for the shorter, four-day time frame. Susan wove and brought several examples including doubleweave blankets, scarves and samplers.

Not only was it time to start fall weaving projects, it was time to finish them, too, as one scarf was woven and off the loom on the second day of class!

It looks like ten scarves or sampler pieces and one doubleweave blanket on display at the class graduation. This class took the idea of starting some fall weaving projects and trying things they hadn’t done before seriously!

On the following day, eight students in the Beginning Weaving class found the table and studio set for them with a variety of woven samples as a starting point for their weaving adventure.

As a team, Nancy and Susan always receive the nicest compliments on how patient, helpful and encouraging they are. Coincidentally, all our beginning weaving teachers and assistants are named Nancy and Susan. Nancy Adams and Nancy Frantz; Susan Frame and Susan Johnson, and the same compliments are repeatedly voiced about all of them!

We love this comment from one of the weavers this past week…”I just want to keep making weaving projects and taking classes at Sievers!”

Beautiful, beautiful, work!
Thanks, Pat! All of the students really did some outstanding weaving!
Always excited to see such wonderful creations the weavers produce. Well done!
Thanks, and we’re looking forward to see what you’ll be weaving here at Sievers soon!
From one island to another…
I love Sievers. Have taken many classes there. Each one magical.
You will always have my deepest appreciation, admiration, and love for your dedication to the arts.
You all are really the nicest people on earth. I’m convinced of it.
Mary Agenten
Hi Mary, This comment is the best ever! Aloha and love from all of us at Sievers, Carolyn
That’s why we keep coming back! It is magical …the teachers, staff and the beautiful Island. Meeting new friends and enjoying time with old friends. A blessing!
Thank you Ann, Carolyn and Cindra for your kindness and caring.
Hope to see everyone next year.