Simply put, weaving can be described as over, under and around. We’ve had all of that since the last week of June through early July. We began with Introduction to Overshot taught by Nancy Adams along with Jeanette Biederman’s Splint-Woven Basketry class and then most recently, Covered Coiled Baskets with Lynn Stracka Schuster.
As an introduction to overshot weaving, the samples Nancy wove to inspire her students were appropriate for using the four-harness Sievers looms. All of those threads passing over and under each other many times in the students’ projects resulted in stunning handwovens. Now that they’ve been introduced, we hope overshot is a new weaving friend!

Over, under and around makes a basket, too! To consider all the baskets made by all the students in Jeanette Biederman’s classes through the years would be beyond imagination. They could stretch for miles. Dear basketmaking friends gather with Jeanette each year to create, share cherished time and reflect on the many good times and friendships made in class.

Over, under and around…and coil and stitch…for a covered, coiled basket. The basket’s core material is completely covered with yarn and can be shaped in many ways. Embellishments of beads, buttons or found objects can be added to personalize these special treasures. Students used yarns from our shop for their basket and one brought her own hand-dyed yarn. Lynn brought quite a number of her finished baskets as inspiration. We were excited to feature three of Lynn’s coiled baskets on the cover of our 2022 Sievers brochure.

Over the horizon, under a pale blue sky and around Washington Island was the sunrise on July 1.