Fiber arts may be the focus of Sievers classes, but many times, it’s equally about the friendships. That’s certainly true of the Batik Alumni Studio, facilitated by Mary Jo Scandin as well as the two overlapping classes last week, Your Latest, Greatest Quilt with Ellen Graf and Independent Study in Basketry with Jeanette Biederman. In each group, long-standing friendships have been formed, with some of those Sievers-class friendships going back more than 30 years! We know from each group that several get together during the Sievers “off season”, maintaining their connection not only to their chosen fiber art, but to each other.
In the batik studio, there’s an ever-changing landscape of pieces in various stages of drawing, dyeing, waxing and drying. The creativity of each batik alumni student is continuous and you can never quite tell what the final finished results will be!

The latest, greatest quilters brought quilts in progress as well as finished quilt blocks to assemble and fabrics to create new quilts. The blocks, the quilts and the finishing all come together with Ellen’s expert assistance and instruction.

The rhythmic motions and quietness of basketweaving can lend itself to working in a group, providing ample time for good conversation. Those conversations in Jeanette’s classes have continued through the years, creating not only basket making friends, but family.

Part of what’s depicted, pieced or woven into each of these students’ works of fiber art are the joys of the friendships made here. There are so many students in other classes that could tell the same story. We are humbled by knowing Sievers has had a part in bringing them together.
Fabulous photos showing so much creativity! These are lucky students to have such interesting classes!
Hi Janet,
Thanks so much for your nice comment! We’re looking forward to seeing you later this year for the Eco-Print on Birch Bark class. Karen Tembreull is wonderful and her work is outstanding. Take care, Carolyn
Loved all the classes I had with my sister, Cheryl Sparks (SHE is the CREATIVE one!). I have several of the batik bags and many of the scarves I dyed (many others were gifts to close friends…..). I miss you all.
Thank you, Linda. We were so glad to see Cheryl, Cathy and Lisa last year for a class, and remembered the many times you came with Cheryl, making such lovely pieces of fiber art. We miss you, too and thanks so much for staying in touch. Carolyn
I was so heartbroken not to make it up there for quilting. Looks fabulous!
Hi Jackie,
We missed you so much, but knew you were where you had to be. We all send along our love and hugs.
Hi Carolyn,
Your article is spot on! I just wanted to write and say hi. Larry and I are loving life in Spain, although it is getting really hot right now! We’ll see how we manage the summer. I have a knitting group in a neighboring town. We meet once a week at a yarn shop and are quite a mix of different nationalities: Norwegian, Swedish, English, Scottish, US, Canadian, Dutch. It’s just like the groups at home! Everyone is so nice and helpful!
I miss you all, but it was great hooking up with Mary and other friends and students in Riga!
Also, please tell Pat that we bought an English Springer puppy! I’ll send a pic via email.
Much love to all!
Hi Sandy,
It’s so great to hear from you and love all your news, including the knitting groups and puppy!
We miss you, too, and send our love and hugs. Carolyn
Thanks for another great week with the “basket gals”. Love my Sievers time. Kay Normann. ❤️
Thanks, Kay! We love when you’re all here together. It’s the best time for us, too!