Today is officially Local Yarn Store Day 2023. Generally held at the end of April, LYS Day is a reminder of the importance of small businesses and a celebration of brick and mortar yarn shops.
It serves as a spotlight on creating an enviornment of knitting and fiber art inspiration, something we’ve enjoyed doing for 44 years.
Coincidentally and with perfect timing, the Shetland Wool Week annual hat pattern was released late yesterday. The Shetland Wool Week patron for 2023 is Alison Rendall, a talented and prolific Fair Isle knitter. Alison’s hat is a distinctive design that incorporates traditional elements together with a flower motif. Two of the versions use just two colours – a design led decision by Alison, but also a way to simplify the pattern for those new to Fair Isle knitting. You can see several colorways and download or order a printed pattern (both for a nominal fee) at shetlandwoolweek.com. We see one of these Fair Isle hats in our future! As a reminder, we have all colors of Jamieson & Smith 2-ply Jumper Weight Shetland Wool in 50 gram balls in stock at $5.95 each.

In a second coincidence, today is also Independent Bookstore Day. Washington Island’s Fair Isle Books (Fair Isle seems to be the theme of the day!) is offering free shipping and special audiobook details this weekend through their website where you can click on “Shop Books”.

Popular knitting books in our shop include Kate Davies titles. These are her most recent, filled with beautiful patterns and photography.
As you know, our shop is much more than a yarn shop. We can’t wait to share all the handmade jewelry, baskets, handwovens, knitwear, home accessories and other new and unique surprises with you this coming season when the Sievers Shop opens on a daily basis starting Monday, May 22!

I thought every day was Local Yarn Store Day. 🙂 One can never have enough yarn . . . . and I think one can never have enough books either! I just love the shops on the island. Looking forward to seeing everyone in June and enjoying some island life.
Thanks for your note, and yes, everyday should include yarn and books! It was a crazy coincidence that it was Independent Bookstore Day, too. Perfect timing! We love the Island’s bookstore, Fair Isle Books, too. See you soon!