After our last class ended, we began to look forward to one more highlight of the season! An event coordinated by Jo Campbell-Amsler and Lee Zieke Lee, Willow Connection 2023 brought together a group of willow basketmakers and enthusiasts from all parts of the country for four days of willow harvesting, basketmaking and sharing.

The group harvested the entire Sievers willow patch in one morning, which ended up being the one time it didn’t rain during the time they were here! The fresh cut willow, along with other materials brought by the participants, was used for making baskets and sculptural pieces.

Wrapping our season up with willow added more wonderful memories to the ones we already made in 2023!

We’re also wrapping up with some numbers from our 45th year. Our class registrations totaled 332. Over 75% of the enrollment were students who had taken classes here in the past and 80 were here for the first time. Those new students came from these states: IA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, MO, NC, NE, NM, OH, PA, VA, WA and WI. The average class size was 9 students and there were 94 people on waiting lists for the classes offered. Five Sievers Scholarships were awarded to students who took classes in weaving, spinning and surface design.
We’ll begin the planning process for our 2024 schedule soon. Registration will begin on February 1, 2024. Until then, we’re here in the office, watching the leaves float down from the trees.
A HAPPY retirement to CINDRA; CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done! I will always remember your welcoming personality and your singing “If Once You Have Lived On An Island” at the end of one my favorite classes and how it brought tears to my eyes……Hope to see you on the Island and at the Music Festival! Enjoy your next chapter!
It is so comforting to know that you are up on the island planing for all of our fun in 2024!
Hi Janet, Thanks for thinking ahead to 2024, just like we are!
Take care,
Congrats to Cindra Happy retirement ! I hope you find more time for fun than I am experiencing.
Thank you Carolyn for the loom pattern. It arrived today, I will let you know if we succeed . Can anyone sign up for the willow event in 2024? Looks like something I could enjoin in the fall.
I harvested my small willow patch this fall. But not yet planning a project.
Hi Mary, Glad to hear you received the inkle loom plans. Yes, I think as long as you’ve had some experience weaving willow baskets, you’re able to sign up for the Willow Connection. I believe they update their information in early March, so you might want to make a note to visit their site (with “2024” replacing “2023”) then.
Take care,
Congratulations, Cindra, on your retirement.
Your welcoming, smiling face will remain in my memory always….
T hank you for all the years of professional, creative,support and friendship.
We will always be grateful for that,
Happy Retirement, Cindra! You have been such a blessing and gift to all of us! Thank you for your kindness and attention to every detail! Sievers won’t be the same without you! From my heart to yours, Kris