It’s a marvel to see all the different fiber arts in action during the course of a Sievers season. This past week was no exception with classes in Marbling: Paper and Fabric, taught by Joyce Gitter and Baltic Knitting Extravaganza with Mary Germain. Whether you achieve instant results when lifting the paper or fabric off the marbling tray, or reveal a mitten pattern row-by-row on knitting needles, the marvel is in the making. Using acrylic paints, a carrageenan bath and various tools and combs, the magic of marbling makes for a lot of fun experiments in color and design. Plus, you have all kinds of cool fabrics and papers to play with later! To learn the techniques of Baltic knitting […]
Come…enjoy, share, & learn
“Come…enjoy, share & learn” were words used many times over in past Sievers School brochures. Since then, we’ve incorporated the statement, “An experience awaits you…”. Both of these sayings could apply to any Sievers class, but none more so than two recent ones, Rigid Heddle Weaving with Deb Jones and our second Open Quilt Studio of the season. Deb Jones of The Fiber Garden, makes every class she teaches an experience. From the outstanding instruction, to the personal attention given to each student, to the full array of equipment and tools she brings (which she magically packs into her “Mary Poppins” van), to joining students together for dinners out and about on the Island, she brings all of it together […]
When Sievers first offered fiber arts courses in the summer of1979, fifteen classes were scheduled. There were seven weaving, six spinning, one stitchery and one textile printing class listed in the brochure. The following year, quilting, basketry and dyeing were added. Fast forward 45 years and you’ll find those subjects (and many more) included in the 2023 list of classes. The three most recent classes show an evolution in the subjects of stitchery, basketry and weaving as compared to those very early classes at Sievers. Japanese Temari, taught by Kathy Broer and Judith Yamamoto, is an example of a stitchery class that’s evolved beyond “the basic embroidery stitches applied to a pillow or tote bag, trapunto wall hanging or stuffed, […]
A quick pop-up shop
It’s time for a quick pop-up shop! Perhaps you’ll have a chance to come for a class or visit us in person, but if not, we want to share a few of the items in the shop for your virtual shopping. We’ll begin with this special, 36-page handmade book with a Door County theme. Jewelry (featuring metalwork, beadwork, Washington Island birchbark, leather, pyrography and watercolor, Lake Michigan pebbles and more), handknit and handwoven wearables, gifts, home goods and accessories, too! (Here’s a hint – for a better view, right click on the photo and “open image in a new tab”.) Items for making and taking! As always, the best way to contact us with an order using your credit card […]
It’s about the friendships
Fiber arts may be the focus of Sievers classes, but many times, it’s equally about the friendships. That’s certainly true of the Batik Alumni Studio, facilitated by Mary Jo Scandin as well as the two overlapping classes last week, Your Latest, Greatest Quilt with Ellen Graf and Independent Study in Basketry with Jeanette Biederman. In each group, long-standing friendships have been formed, with some of those Sievers-class friendships going back more than 30 years! We know from each group that several get together during the Sievers “off season”, maintaining their connection not only to their chosen fiber art, but to each other. In the batik studio, there’s an ever-changing landscape of pieces in various stages of drawing, dyeing, waxing and […]
A great start
The first three of our 2023 classes, Open Quilt Studio, Shibori & Indigo Dyeing with Anne Landre and Weaving: Four Shafts or Less with Nancy Adams were a great start to the season! To begin the Sievers year, 14 quilters, some in each studio, spent five days pressing, piecing and ultimately producing a number of beautiful quilt tops and works of art in fabric. After several months of unoccupied studio space, what a treat to have it filled again with the creativity and talent of our Sievers friends! The Shibori and Indigo Dyeing class could be considered epic in the amount of techniques the students experiemented with as well as the resulting fabrics and garments each took home. It was […]
May on the Island
On a shelf at home, we re-discovered the book, “Mama Crosses the Door” by L.A. Davison. Mr. Davison lived across the road from Sievers (in the house with the windmill) and served as both the Washington Island School principal and a high school teacher for more than 20 years, covering the time when Butch, Ann, Cindra and later, Carolyn and Barb were in school. His book of poetry and Washington Island advertisements was published in 1956 by the local Lions Club. With the delicate flowers of May blooming now, it’s the perfect time to share his poem, “May on the Island”. The month of May has been away, but now that it’s returned it has brought back to Islanders the […]
Local Yarn Store Day is everyday at Sievers!
Today is officially Local Yarn Store Day 2023. Generally held at the end of April, LYS Day is a reminder of the importance of small businesses and a celebration of brick and mortar yarn shops. It serves as a spotlight on creating an enviornment of knitting and fiber art inspiration, something we’ve enjoyed doing for 44 years. Coincidentally and with perfect timing, the Shetland Wool Week annual hat pattern was released late yesterday. The Shetland Wool Week patron for 2023 is Alison Rendall, a talented and prolific Fair Isle knitter. Alison’s hat is a distinctive design that incorporates traditional elements together with a flower motif. Two of the versions use just two colours – a design led decision by Alison, […]