When the schedule is set for the season, we immediately begin to wait (with great anticipation) for the classes to begin and to see all of you! That certainly applies to the Batik Alumni Week, led by Mary Jo Scandin. Mary Jo first taught Batik here in August 1982. The last line of her biography in the Sievers brochure that year read, “Her work and products are outstanding and her students learn so much.” These words were added the following year, “Her enthusiasm about the art makes learning the batik process a delight.” How time flies! Here we are forty years later having the great pleasure of so many batik classes either taught or co-taught by Mary Jo, who now […]
Blue leads the way
Blue led the way during the week of June 14-21, starting with Anne Landre’s Shibori & Indigo Dyeing class. Using the Japanese technique of resist-dyeing with the option of several indigo vats in a range of light, medium and dark intensities, students stitched, clamped or folded cotton, silk and linen fabrics and then dyed them for predicted (and surprising) results. The blue sky each day of class seemed to be reflected directly into the fabrics. As Anne says, “Jump into the blue!” Besides blue, all colors were incorporated in the scarves, table runners and twill samplers in Susan Frame’s Beginning Weaving class. Of the eight students, seven were new to Sievers and one had taken just one class previously, Basic […]
June pop-up shop
It’s time for our first pop-up shop of the season! So many beautiful, handmade items have arrived from our students and teachers that we wanted to share them with you. We’d also like to introduce you to two new members of the Sievers Crew who are working in the shop this year. Roxanne Boren first came to Sievers for a Painted/Beaded Scarf class in 2006. She followed that with classes in Rug Hooking and Woodcarving. Roxanne has lived full-time on Washington Island since 2015. She enjoys stitching, knitting and gourmet cooking. Her handwork has been in the shop for several years. Shawn Simmons came to Sievers for the Beginning Spinning & Dyeing class with Deb Jones in 2017 and has […]
Latest and greatest
“Unleash your creative spirit…” are the first four words in the class description of Ellen Graf’s recent Latest, Greatest Quilt class. Those words were similarly appropriate for the companion class, Japanese Temari: Four Seasons with Kathy Broer and Judie Yamamoto. They could certainly apply to any Sievers class! The quilting students brought their ideas, fabrics or quilts in progress and with Ellen’s guidance and design experience, planned, pieced, pressed and sewed with creative spirit. The “latest and greatest” of Kathy Broer’s Japanese Temari were on display for she and Judie’s class which focused on four stitches as interpreted by the seasons. Herringbone for Winter, Rose for Spring, Star for Summer and Spindle for Fall. The stunning samples of so many […]
In season
Appearing in the woodlands, along the shore and even the roadsides are the lovely, delicate flowers of late spring on Washington Island. From all corners of Washington Island and within, there’s always something in season to explore!
First of the season
For many years now, we have opened our season with an Open Quilt Studio and the same was true beginning on June 2. With a group in each building, all of Sievers was filled with bright, creative, thoughtful and fun quilts and quilters. Each and every one put their hearts into their finished pieces. Bringing ideas or quilts in progress, pre-cutting hundreds of pieces at home or starting from “block one” here at Sievers, the gallery of quilts through the week is ever-changing and inspiring. Stories are told, lessons are learned, gifts are made, friendships are formed, and family, friends and future holders of these quilts are cherished with each stitch. We move from quilting to quilting with Class #2, […]
What’s new and what’s not
The first touches of spring have arrived. Not only do the flower petals begin to open, but Washington Island begins to re-open with the change of season. Each year at this time, we like to share information about new businesses and events or changes to existing ones. Starting with what’s new, there are new owners at Deer Run Golf Resort. Their plans are to open the Washington Island Biergarten, continue operating the golf course and lodging and make improvements on the property over time. Next to the Albatross Drive-In, in a bright red building, the Island Popcorn Barn will feature gourmet popcorn this summer. At the Death’s Door Fuel gas station on the road leading to and from the ferry […]
It is April, isn’t it?
We’re only five weeks away from the start of our 2022 season, beginning with Open Quilt Studio. This spring, it can seem like it’s only been five weeks since classes ended, as we still have days that remind us more of late-November than late-April, including today. On a rare occasion, we captured some blue sky and water and know it’s still there, waiting to peek out again. We’ll be ready! In the midst of our all-day snowfall, a combination air conditioning/heating unit was installed in the Sievers Shop. April or November, it’s all the same to us!