February 1st is approaching quickly! That day, all of our 2019 classes will be open for registration and descriptions along with complete information will be available on our website, https://sieversschool.com Some reminders…Registration begins Friday, February 1st. Classes that receive more registrations during the first week (Friday, February 1 through Thursday, February 7 at 4 pm Central Time) than have space available will be subject to a drawing and we will begin a waiting list for those classes. All registrations received during that registration week time frame will be treated equally, that is, there’s no advantage to register at midnight on February 1st. Your credit/debit card will not be charged until after you receive a personal email or call from us, confirming your registration […]
Season’s Greetings
When rose the eastern star, The birds came from a-far, In that full might of glory. With one melodious voice They sweetly did rejoice… From all of us at Sievers, we wish you the simple joys of nature and the warmth of family, friends and fibers throughout the holidays and coming year! Ann, Butch, Cindra, Carolyn, Barb, Kathleen, Patricia and Kirsten (In full disclosure, these photos were taken in my backyard…but not today. Both the Chickadees and the camera lens could not stay still because of the strong north winds!)
Making preparations
December is a month for preparations, including the Sievers schedule of classes. Before we know it, February 1, 2019 and registration week will be here. Our full schedule is not completely set, but it will be soon. Many of the instructors who have been teaching at Sievers will be returning in 2019. Retiring from teaching are Carol Anderson, Ruth Manning and Thom Scott. Carol began teaching at Sievers in 1995 and has led knitting classes each year since, most recently the popular Knitting on Location. Ruth taught Landscape Tapestry Weaving classes in 2015 and 2017 and Thom was the co-instructor of Batik since 2015, having first been a student in that class in 2010. We thank them for sharing their […]
In more ways than one, we are transitioning between seasons. The golds and yellows of early fall… …quickly turned into the browns and bare branches of late fall… …and as of today, turned even more quickly into a winter scene. Seeing the photos above, it is hard to believe only 14 days ago our last class of 2018 concluded! Now, the Sievers Shop items are being returned to the artists and we’ll soon begin to work on the 2019 schedule, marking our official 40th anniversary of Sievers School. This season, we offered 37 classes taught by 31 instructors. The total number of students was 364 and 82% of those enrolled had been here previously. […]
Roll out the Rag Rugs
New fabrics, recycled fabrics, men’s ties, new sheets and old sheets whether plaid, plain or patterned all found their way into works of art for floors and walls in Deb Sharpee’s Rag Rug Weaving class, our last class of the 2018 season. Most people wove at least two rugs or a combination of rugs, runners or place mats. Laughter and conversation within the class provided some of the fuel that kept the weavers weaving, not to mention the few well-placed jokes in Deb’s handout. According to Deb, the nutshell view of this class is: Design…Arithmetic…Prep…Weave…Finish! This class has been “the closer” for the past few years and it’s a perfect and cozy way to take us from […]
Willow Chair Weekend
As always, the bundles of willow, harvested and prepared by Ken and Michelle Workowski, awaited each student in the weekend Bent Willow Chair class. It’s only a matter of time before the studio is filled with the sound of power drills and within a couple hours the bases of the chairs are put together. The chairs really take shape when the willow bending begins, creating the seat, back and arms. Although the chairs follow the same format, each has it’s own distinct character. This class had two students with the “fastest finish”, completing their chairs by dinnertime on Saturday. It’s been a tradition to order in a few pizzas that night and eat some, work some […]
Simply Scandinavian
Simply Scandinavian or simply fabulous? Definitely both! Connie Westbrook’s class focused on the clean lines and simple designs found in Scandinavian weaving. A table of beautiful samples and Connie herself wearing one of the Washington Island Scandinavian Dance Festival costumes became points of inspiration for the students to weave heirloom-quality table runners, towels, scarves, shawls, pillow covers and more. Yards and yards of towels were woven and for some, then it was onto the next project. If you laid down all the weaving done in this class, end-to-end, you might not reach Scandinavia, but you would certainly reach the hearts of anyone with Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish or Icelandic heritage! Each reveal prompted oohs and […]
Natural and Local Colors
The gathered botanicals and live plants were in place, the mordants were set out and the burners were ready when students in Donna Kallner’s Local Color from Natural Dye class entered the studio last week. Tree and plant leaves were used for ecoprinting on silk and more colors of nature were brought out and preserved in wool yarns through brewing plant dyebaths. Samples and skeins dyed with goldenrod, rhubarb, indigo, black walnut and more prompted exclamations of excitement and discovery during the dye process. Two indigo plants gave their leaves to create beautifully dyed yarns and fabrics. The last morning offered show and tell time and what a display after just four days of […]