Every day the trees are increasingly “showing their stuff” and both we (and the wildlife) are enjoying the changing views! The fall color report indicates Door County currently at 5% with the third week of October expected to be the peak of color. We recently had a small group of quilters rent the Walter Studio for a week. As always, they brought several projects to start, to complete or to bring closer to completion. It always feels best when there is activity in the studio! With several October classes cancelled, we are still offering studio rentals with availability in the Walter […]
September… not quite summer and not quite fall. It’s one of those in-between months that gives the best of both seasons and we often wish it would last a little longer than it does. Re-scheduled to Saturday, September 12, Local Yarn Store Day was created by a committee of shop owners and yarn manufacturers to celebrate brick and mortar yarn shops. They note, “contrary to popular belief, the majority of yarn is purchased through local brick and mortar shops…”. As a local yarn shop, we started small, but have expanded our weaving and knitting yarns over time and in particular since 1996 when classes moved from what is now the shop into the (then newly-built) Sophie Studio. […]
Washington Island summer
It’s time to share more photos of Washington Island, summer-style. Water levels are still exceptionally high. There’s water on the ferry dock and across the road leading to the Jackson Harbor town dock. The fields are filled with corn, summer blooms, butterflies, Whitetail Deer, Sandhill Cranes and hidden (and not-so-hidden) lavender. As far as an update on Island happenings in general, more events have been postponed until 2021, including the Death’s Door BBQ, Lions Club Fly-In Fish Boil and Island Fair and Scandinavian Dance Festival. In addition, Rock Island State Park is closed for the season to all visitors. The Friends of Rock Island continue to share information on their Facebook page. The newly christened W.I. Ferry Line vessel, Madonna, […]
All of a sudden, the rare and not-so-rare flowers are blooming in the marshes, the woods and along the roadsides. It won’t be long before we’re on the lookout for Lady Slippers. If one Trillium is wonderful, how would you describe hundreds of them? These lovely flowers certainly stand alone, but in keeping with our idea to occasionally feature work in our shop, here are a few flora-inspired items that caught our eye: If you’re interested, please use our Contact Us page to enter your name, address, credit card information and a message. For all of these items, shipping and sales tax (if applicable) would be added to the total. While we’re in the office from Monday through Friday, the […]
More from Washington Island and other good things
We continue with more news and good things from Washington Island and Sievers. For some of the best nature photos, we like the Washington Island Art and Nature Center Facebook page which is sharing the birds, scenes and sounds of the moment. One of the events in May that will be on pause until next year is the W.I. Birding Festival. Lucky for us, the birds are still coming! A happy surprise greets drivers on West Harbor Road where about a dozen of these simple and meaningful signs along the roadside give a dose of good cheer. Last time we shared lodging news along with a taste of what restaurants are offering. Now we’ll look at shops (as listed by […]
Washington Island snapshot
Thank you so much for the kind comments we’ve received these past several days, especially from students who were enrolled in June classes. Many of them carry the same messages, including, “I totally understand”…”I support your decision”…”It is wise and necessary at this time”…”Be safe and well”…”Thinking of you”…”I’ll miss you”… and “Hope the Island is safe…”. Since you’ve asked and we’ve often shared Washington Island happenings at the beginning of the season, today we bring you a snapshot of life on Washington Island. Within the next few weeks, the Washington Island Ferry Line will add a new ferry, the Madonna, to their fleet. Built in Sturgeon Bay, the construction process has been chronicled in the Ferry Cabin News since […]
As we prepare for the upcoming season of classes, we are enjoying the beauty of the quiet season that surrounds us. An all-day gentle snowfall makes for a perfect opportunity for a drive around Washington Island where you can basically stop the car in the road and walk here and there to take photos. Winter scenes also make for great views from our desks in the Sievers office (even if they’re not quite like these). Starting February 1st, it will begin to feel like spring, summer and fall combined and we will be warmed by hearing from you via our website and telephone! As Walter Schutz wrote in the very first Sievers School brochure, “You will create new friendships here […]
Washington Island fiber happenings
These snowy, windy and cold days make for some of the best times to gather and knit, quilt or sew. We know of many people who are tucked into their own Washington Island homes, weaving, spinning or stitching, too. Mondays and Tuesdays find several Island residents meeting at Trinity Lutheran Church, sharing their gift of handwork with others, like a warm shawl or a quilt to comfort those who are experiencing a loss or illness. Handmade hats, mittens and scarves might be draped on December’s “Giving Tree”, where items are collected and sent to youth in need. The Trinity quilters, besides making comfort and charity quilts distributed both on the Island and globally, create and present a quilt to each […]