Today is officially Local Yarn Store Day 2023. Generally held at the end of April, LYS Day is a reminder of the importance of small businesses and a celebration of brick and mortar yarn shops. It serves as a spotlight on creating an enviornment of knitting and fiber art inspiration, something we’ve enjoyed doing for 44 years. Coincidentally and with perfect timing, the Shetland Wool Week annual hat pattern was released late yesterday. The Shetland Wool Week patron for 2023 is Alison Rendall, a talented and prolific Fair Isle knitter. Alison’s hat is a distinctive design that incorporates traditional elements together with a flower motif. Two of the versions use just two colours – a design led decision by Alison, […]
More from Washington Island and other good things
We continue with more news and good things from Washington Island and Sievers. For some of the best nature photos, we like the Washington Island Art and Nature Center Facebook page which is sharing the birds, scenes and sounds of the moment. One of the events in May that will be on pause until next year is the W.I. Birding Festival. Lucky for us, the birds are still coming! A happy surprise greets drivers on West Harbor Road where about a dozen of these simple and meaningful signs along the roadside give a dose of good cheer. Last time we shared lodging news along with a taste of what restaurants are offering. Now we’ll look at shops (as listed by […]