The first touches of spring have arrived. Not only do the flower petals begin to open, but Washington Island begins to re-open with the change of season. Each year at this time, we like to share information about new businesses and events or changes to existing ones. Starting with what’s new, there are new owners at Deer Run Golf Resort. Their plans are to open the Washington Island Biergarten, continue operating the golf course and lodging and make improvements on the property over time. Next to the Albatross Drive-In, in a bright red building, the Island Popcorn Barn will feature gourmet popcorn this summer. At the Death’s Door Fuel gas station on the road leading to and from the ferry […]
Sievers and weaving
Continuing with a little more history, you may recall Sievers started with plan sheets to build a loom. The first print advertisement was placed in American Home Crafts magazine in 1974. In Walter Schutz’s own records, he notes on January 26, 1974, “Got our first request for our loom plans from Allen Roberts who owns north of us on Green Bay Road”. The first order of plan sheets placed from this ad was on April 15, 1974 for $9.00. About 50 orders were received in the first four months. Soon after, floor loom plans were added and Sievers began to become a name associated with weaving. Sievers School continues to offer more classes in the weaving category than in any […]