The first touches of spring have arrived. Not only do the flower petals begin to open, but Washington Island begins to re-open with the change of season. Each year at this time, we like to share information about new businesses and events or changes to existing ones. Starting with what’s new, there are new owners at Deer Run Golf Resort. Their plans are to open the Washington Island Biergarten, continue operating the golf course and lodging and make improvements on the property over time. Next to the Albatross Drive-In, in a bright red building, the Island Popcorn Barn will feature gourmet popcorn this summer. At the Death’s Door Fuel gas station on the road leading to and from the ferry […]
There’s always something new
Each year we’re delighted to have new items for the shop, both handcrafted artwork by our students and teachers and the wide variety of yarns, books and fiber art materials for makers. The Sievers Shop will officially open on Thursday, May 20 with hours of 10am – 4pm daily through October 31. At this time of year, we like to share information about any new businesses being established and changes to others. The W.I. Souvenir Hut (WISH) and Heart of a Gypsy shops are located side by side on Main Road in the former Island Café and Bread Company. In January, the Café permanently closed, partly due to Covid-19 and staffing considerations. The building was sold and now two shops […]
Visits and views
If you’d like a virtual visit to Washington Island and Hotel Washington with Wisconsin Public TV’s Wisconsin Foodie, we understand the episode filmed last summer will be broadcast (at least in our area) on Thursday, April 1 at 7:30 pm. If it is not scheduled on your local public television station, you should be able to view it via YouTube after it has aired. On April 15 (tentatively) is a second episode from the island, this time featuring the Island Café and Bread Company. Although the Island Café and Bread Company is no longer in business, we’re sure the feature will be as memorable as the meals, pizzas and pastries once offered there. We usually send an update on Washington […]
Washington Island snapshot
Thank you so much for the kind comments we’ve received these past several days, especially from students who were enrolled in June classes. Many of them carry the same messages, including, “I totally understand”…”I support your decision”…”It is wise and necessary at this time”…”Be safe and well”…”Thinking of you”…”I’ll miss you”… and “Hope the Island is safe…”. Since you’ve asked and we’ve often shared Washington Island happenings at the beginning of the season, today we bring you a snapshot of life on Washington Island. Within the next few weeks, the Washington Island Ferry Line will add a new ferry, the Madonna, to their fleet. Built in Sturgeon Bay, the construction process has been chronicled in the Ferry Cabin News since […]