In the 1982 Sievers class brochure, Walter Schutz wrote, “All who attend carry home with them not only the techniques of their chosen fiber art but also rich memories and lasting friendships.” Here we are, 42 years later and those words continue to ring true. It’s generally the case that several small groups of friends come together for our Open Quilt Studios. With a retreat atmosphere and the freedom to sew and quilt (or knit, explore and shop) when you want, there’s a unique balance of productivity and “permission” during the week. There were new pieces in the works every day and once in awhile, quilt blocks or a top make a repeat appearance. We could see them over and […]
Come…enjoy, share, & learn
“Come…enjoy, share & learn” were words used many times over in past Sievers School brochures. Since then, we’ve incorporated the statement, “An experience awaits you…”. Both of these sayings could apply to any Sievers class, but none more so than two recent ones, Rigid Heddle Weaving with Deb Jones and our second Open Quilt Studio of the season. Deb Jones of The Fiber Garden, makes every class she teaches an experience. From the outstanding instruction, to the personal attention given to each student, to the full array of equipment and tools she brings (which she magically packs into her “Mary Poppins” van), to joining students together for dinners out and about on the Island, she brings all of it together […]
A great start
The first three of our 2023 classes, Open Quilt Studio, Shibori & Indigo Dyeing with Anne Landre and Weaving: Four Shafts or Less with Nancy Adams were a great start to the season! To begin the Sievers year, 14 quilters, some in each studio, spent five days pressing, piecing and ultimately producing a number of beautiful quilt tops and works of art in fabric. After several months of unoccupied studio space, what a treat to have it filled again with the creativity and talent of our Sievers friends! The Shibori and Indigo Dyeing class could be considered epic in the amount of techniques the students experiemented with as well as the resulting fabrics and garments each took home. It was […]
Learning and making
Learning something new and making by hand is an exciting adventure. That being said, we’ve been fortunate to witness a lot of good adventures this year, including those in our August classes. Lynn Stracka Schuster guided several new basketmakers in her recent Covered Coiling Basket class. When travelling down a new path of learning, it’s good to have an experienced guide, and Lynn is that and more. This is her 40th year of teaching at Sievers. Lynn likes to tell the story of finding a notice about Sievers while studying art in college and realizing it was in Door County, a family vacation spot. A short time later, after graduating, she paid Walter Schutz a visit and he said that […]
A good blend
From the very beginning, Walter Schutz felt Washington Island was the ideal place for learning and specifically as a place for Sievers School of Fiber Arts. He wrote in 1979, “What could be more ideal than creating in pleasant surroundings such as these?” Also, “…a positive cultural advance – the Island is ideally suited for this. I am convinced (Sievers) would not be as successful in other places…” and, from 1984, “I hope, too, that it will help you regard the Island with more reverence, help maintain its rustic, unspoiled atmosphere and above all keep it, as much as possible, the sort of place it is. It truly is ‘north of the tension line’ (and) opens the door to the […]
From the shop (both of them)
Over the past couple months, beside building Sievers Benchwork in the other Sievers shop, Butch and Barb have been demonstrating their craftsmanship by making three blanket chests. One is made from the cherry tree that was at the edge of the deck on the back of the Sievers dormitory/barn. Another is from a Washington Island oak tree and the third, from pine. The cherry and oak chests measure 38 1/2″ long x 19 1/2″ wide x 15 1/2″ high. The pine chest has the same dimensions, except for the height, which is 16 1/2″. Each chest has a clear satin varnish on the exterior, while the interiors are unvarnished. One of their other projects was to build these three-tiered display […]
Counting the days
We’re counting the days (there are only 30) until our 43rd season begins with the Open Quilt Studio from June 2-7! The Open Studios (quilting and knitting) were some of the few opportunities last year that allowed for in-person attendance at Sievers. Working independently at separated tables, students sewed or knitted and learned from each other. We feel much better about what the Sievers experience can and will be this summer and fall, but at the same time recognize that we’re all taking part in a gradual process of readjustment. In less than 30 days, the Sievers Shop will be open daily! Over 80 artists will have their work in the shop and of course we have most of the […]
Keeping up with keps
After a few warm days, we’re back to a typical Washington Island spring, which means temperatures in the 40’s, a northerly breeze and the need to keep our hats and gloves close by. Recently, those who sponsor the annual Shetland Wool Week announced they are unable, again this year, to conduct an in-person event. Today they released their free Shetland Wool Week 2021 hat pattern. Last year’s Katie’s Kep was so well received, they asked the same designer, Wilma Malcolmson, to design the 2021 pattern. It is called Da Crofter’s Kep, honoring the people who work the land and care for livestock in Shetland. We are offering these kits using Jamieson & Smith’s 2-ply jumper weight yarn for Da Crofter’s […]