In late March, the seventh Quilts of Valor Foundation sewing event took place at Sievers School. Coordinated by Ellen Graf, Washington Island teams and helpers have made over 80 Quilts of Valor since 2013. Some of the quilts have been awarded on Washington Island, some to veterans who are known to the Island sew-ists and some have been given to the QOV Foundation to be distributed in military hospitals and veterans homes. Quilts of Valor Foundation (QOVF) is a national non-profit whose mission is to create comforting and healing quilts “for veterans and military service members touched by war.” Ten quilt tops (two of them stitched by a team in Arizona using some hand-dyed fabrics) were completed during this year’s […]
Island Spring
How do we know it’s springtime? First, the calendar tells us it started a week ago. Second, ice is starting to break up along the shoreline. Third, even though the feet of the willow trees are still in snow and ice, their buds open in the bright blue sky. Fourth, it’s Quilts of Valor time! 2018 marks the sixth consecutive year a Washington Island Quilts of Valor event has been held in the Sophie Studio. Co-ordinated by Ellen Graf, this year six teams of two worked in the studio, along those who came for a day to make the presentation cases for the finished quilts. In addition, several individuals sewed at home and one team worked long distance from Arizona. The teams were formed using the “Under […]
March Update
Spring was showing itself (a little bit) with sightings of Sandhill Cranes and Red-Winged Blackbirds, bare patches in yards and mostly clear roads, until yesterday when we had a quick reminder of winter. We don’t mind though, as it is beautiful and the sunshine nowadays assures us it’s only temporary. From our post on March 7, 2017, “Today we counted 277 registrations.” Here we are one year later to the day and our count is…278! The last days of March have been set aside again for this year’s Quilts of Valor event, coordinated by Ellen Graf. There will be both on-site teams in the Sophie Studio and a number of off-site teams creating these special quilts. As a reminder, the application date for Sievers Scholarships is April 1. Scholarships are available for Sievers alumni or for new […]