February 1st will be here in just a few weeks! That day, all of our 2022 classes will be open for registration and those class descriptions along with complete information will be available on our website. The site will be in “maintenance mode” soon, but available again for registration on February 1. Featured on the cover of the 2022 brochure are Coiled Baskets made by Sievers instructor, Lynn Stracka Schuster. Thank you, Lynn, for sharing your many fiber art talents with us and with your students! This past year was Lynn’s 40th year of teaching at Sievers. Many of our instructors are returning in 2022 and we welcome two new team teachers, Karen Zeman and Jackie Barry. Both have been […]
Wrap-up and Pop-up
We’re getting close to wrapping up our 2021 season. Classes concluded last week and the shop’s daily hours will end October 31st. Starting in November, we’ll be in the office on weekdays only. (Pease know you’re always welcome to stop in!) We’ll still have yarns, books, needles, etc., available for purchase. This year (our 43rd) we had a total of 347 registered students and 75 of those were taking their first Sievers class. New students came from AZ, AR, CA, CO, FL, IL, IN, IA, KY, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NV, NM, NY, OH, SC, TX, VA, WA, WV and of course, WI. It was so good to see many of you this past season and meet our new […]
An update
Hello dear Sievers friends, With the most recent “Stay at Home” order for Wisconsin extended to May 26, 2020, we want to let you know that we’ll be making a decision on our June classes (Classes 1 through 7) during the week of April 27. We’ll be posting that information here, on our social media sites and will be directly notifying any students registered for those classes via email or phone. We’ll also let you know about what’s “in store” for the Sievers Shop as we go forward. This is the time of year that we reflect back on our time spent together and at the same time anticipate seeing you come through the door. More than one student has […]
Sievers stories
We have included a number of Sievers stories here during this past year. Thank you to everyone who shared their story with us as part of our 40th anniversary season! As part of the early Sievers School story, we found this in a 1981 flyer written by Walter Schutz. He begins, “Be the one…in your group of friends who can show off exquisite, one-of-a-kind hand woven jackets, scarfs, table linens, rugs, wall hangings. Be the one who is admired and perhaps envied for the skill of her hands. Be the one who has found contentment and happiness by doing something just for yourself for once. Be the one who has taken advantage of the joys and fulfillment that has come […]
Making preparations
December is a month for preparations, including the Sievers schedule of classes. Before we know it, February 1, 2019 and registration week will be here. Our full schedule is not completely set, but it will be soon. Many of the instructors who have been teaching at Sievers will be returning in 2019. Retiring from teaching are Carol Anderson, Ruth Manning and Thom Scott. Carol began teaching at Sievers in 1995 and has led knitting classes each year since, most recently the popular Knitting on Location. Ruth taught Landscape Tapestry Weaving classes in 2015 and 2017 and Thom was the co-instructor of Batik since 2015, having first been a student in that class in 2010. We thank them for sharing their […]
In more ways than one, we are transitioning between seasons. The golds and yellows of early fall… …quickly turned into the browns and bare branches of late fall… …and as of today, turned even more quickly into a winter scene. Seeing the photos above, it is hard to believe only 14 days ago our last class of 2018 concluded! Now, the Sievers Shop items are being returned to the artists and we’ll soon begin to work on the 2019 schedule, marking our official 40th anniversary of Sievers School. This season, we offered 37 classes taught by 31 instructors. The total number of students was 364 and 82% of those enrolled had been here previously. […]
Sievers Sneak Preview
The days are quickly approaching the February 1st opening of Registration Week. It is such a treat for us to hear from you in the middle of winter, anticipating the time we’ll share when you’re here for class (or for an Island visit). We will be welcoming one new teacher in 2018, Susan Frame. She will open our 40th season teaching Class 1 – Beginning Weaving on a 4-Harness Floor Loom. Susan took her first weaving class in 1982 and has continued learning since, including three classes at Sievers ( in 1988, 1989 and 2012). Since 1989, Susan has had the pleasure of teaching weaving techniques at The Fiber Garden in Black River Falls, WI. She and her husband live in Osseo, WI. Welcome, […]