So many designs…so little time! In the Marbling: Paper and Fabric class with Nancy Akerly and her assistant, Joyce Gitter, three days allowed for the exploration and creation of many designs and techniques including French Curl and Spanish Wave, but we’re sure the possibilities of so much more continues to swirl through the minds of the students even now. Step-by-step the process for each design is thoroughly explained and practiced. Even unexpected results can become favorites! Besides marbling on plain and printed papers, students used cotton, silk and rayon for fabric pieces, scarves, shawls or small garments. What a creative, fun and color-filled class providing (almost) instant gratification! Thinking about marbling brought the Stavkirke to mind and its altar with […]
Gifts given
Many students have said that a class at Sievers is a “gift given to myself”. If the first two classes are any indication, what’s inside those gifts are color, inspiration, learning and sharing as well as new and continuing friendships. It began with the Open Quilt Studio in early June. How fun to see all the fabrics unwrapped and quilt tops created during the week! Susan Hoffmann, one of our instructors, was here as a student in the Open Quilt Studio and presented us with a very special gift which has been added to our Permanent Collection and is on display in the Sophie Studio. “Carolyn’s Woods” was inspired by a photo shared on this blog a few years ago of the daffodils at Sievers. The technique is Landscape ‘Painting’ with Fabric and is the […]
A day in June
“And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days;” Here’s our June day on Washington Island. “Whether we look, or whether we listen, We hear life murmur, or see it glisten;” James Russell Lowell A few choice words and a few choice photos are all that’s needed on a day like today!