We’re taking this opportunity to share Washington Island with you sending along some end-of-June scenes and happenings.
We hear over and over again that time spent on Washington Island is an important part of the experience when attending a class at Sievers.
So, here are some recent north, east, west, south and in-between scenes.
After taking in the views, for those who are on Washington Island this week, there are a number of events on the calendar. On Saturday night Cindra performed “If Once You Have Slept on an Island” with our friend Dan Hansen at the TPAC in Julian Hagen’s Washington Island Musical History program. This week is the Wisconsin Council of Churches Forum, the annual Grilled Whitefish Dinner fundraiser for the Jackson Harbor Maritime Museum (made possible with the help of our own Kathleen Morris and Butch Young), a nature walk sponsored by the Art and Nature Center and various events held at Fragrant Isle Lavender Farm, Gathering Ground and Hotel Washington and Studio.
Here at Sievers, it is Batik week with Mary Jo Scandin. There are dye pots and brushes with wax. There is color, design, art and laughter. There are friendships. We’ll share some of that with you soon.
I just loved it when Cindra sang that song to our class on our last day. It has stuck with me since then and I would love to hear it again one of these years.
She still sings it on occasion. It’s even more special with Dan Hansen accompanying on piano!
We loved the photo-tour of Washington Island! Thanks to Carolyn for taking the splendid pictures. They are beautiful…but nothing beats being there….smelling the fresh air, seeing the precious flowers in bloom, visiting with friends, old and new. Siever’s is a treasure for us all.
We love that you carry Washington Island in your heart, Karen. It’s true, the photos only capture a small part of the Washington Island experience. Thanks for staying in touch!
Thanks for all of the great photos. I really miss being there, so the photos help me feel like I am there. Hope you are all well and starting to enjoy the season – thank goodness it is finally starting to get warm.
We miss you, too! Plenty of hugs await your return, whenever it happens to be. We’re doing well and Class # 9 is in session, so far some great sunshine and warm breezes for the batik to dry on the line outside Walter Studio. Take care and love from your Sievers friends.
So much beauty and Carolyn always does a beautiful job of capturing it with her camera! Thank you!
Thank you, Eileen. We had a nice visit with Carol and Bruce a couple weeks ago. Their visit was a fun surprise!
I love getting the news from Washington Island as it brings back memories of a very special time in my life. The summer I interned at Sievers was the first time I left the Madison area , except for vacations ,,in all of my life(51 at the time). A spiritual experience, one I will never forget! Thanks for such a loving place to work , I felt validated and loved daily!
How sweet of you, Ann! A few changes, but so much remains the same at Sievers and on Washington Island. We hope you’re well and are glad you are part of the Sievers story!