The students in the Creative Knitting Retreat class with Sandy De Master and Mary Germain and their fellow knitting friends in the Open Knitting Studio know these words are true. From the simplest of tools and a ball of yarn, plus the knowledge of only two stitches, knit and purl, the possibilities are endless.
From our Sievers Readings file: “I am a knitter. I take yarn and needles and become an agent of transformation…taking my part in moving a sheep’s’ fleece to garment…knitting my intentions and love into the fabric. I am linked to the past and my knitting Grandmothers, I am linked to my present when people ask me what I’m doing. I am knitting a future, honing myself one stitch at a time.”
Because the possibilities are endless and each yarn, pattern and project inspires ten-fold ideas, we trust all of our knitters’ futures have many stitches ahead!
From the start of a Fair Isle vest with Jamieson & Smith Shetland wool, to works in progress of fine wools and cashmere to Latvian and Estonian mittens, to sweaters and more, the intensions and love of each knitter are represented in their projects. Not to mention the knits they’re wearing, their show and tell pieces or the other projects stashed away in bags, baskets and suitcases for when a change of knitting scenery is needed.
A set of duplicate patterns and two pair of glasses say,
“I need all the help I can get!”Creative Knitting Retreat with
Sandy De Master and Mary Germain.
For one person in the Open Knitting Studio, creating “magical woodland (and other) knits” was a saving grace during last year’s stay-at-home time. These were only a few of the knitted friends that made the trip to the Open Studio. (What do you think of putting a farmhouse behind the gerbil couple for a knitted version of “American Gothic”?)
Our Washington Island landscape is still transforming as we head towards the rich, peak colors of fall.
In contrast, some views won’t be changing until the next season begins.
How is that amazing sweater even possible!!! Love it!
Hi Karen, Yes, one of many fantastic knits from the class! That one was truly a labor of love! Take care, Carolyn
Please change my email address. My NEW ONE IS. bikerlinda0@gmail.com. MY OLD ONE WAS. schmalzl@sbcglobal.net. Thanks Linda Schmalz
Got it, thanks Linda!