“Open your eyes to the possibilities around you!” Students in Jo Campbell-Amsler’s Natural Baskets: Grow & Weave class last week did just that by starting from the ground up, exploring a variety of natural materials that could be used for basketmaking.
Using willow, bark, iris and daylily leaves, roots, vines, sticks and branches, several rib-style baskets took shape in students’ hands during this four-day class.

Creating a basket from gathered materials embodies mindfulness. From the harvesting to the weaving to the enjoyment of using, these baskets continue to give back to the maker. Retaining their natural colors and sweet, grown-in-the-sun scent, they hold well-cultivated memories.

Taking note of what’s around you and how you can incorporate it into your art, whether it’s something tangible like willow or small treasures like driftwood, shells or stones to use for embellishments, or even inspiration from the forms and colors of nature, we naturally think of looking at our own Washington Island surroundings.

Opening up to the possibilities and using the gifts nature provides is a gift in itself!
Carolyn, your photos are absolutely incredible. You capture the soul of Washington Island with every click of the camera. Thank You for making us all feel like we are there.
Hi Carole,
Thanks for the kind words. It really is the Island scenery in front of the lens more so than who’s behind the lens. We’re so glad we can bring Sievers and the Island to you and to so many people through the newsletter!
My first class at Sievers was Willow Baskets – and I still have the basket I made – may not be the best basket, but it has more memories than anyone would ever know.
Hi Linda,
I bet it was in a class with Char TerBeest. I’ve got a willow basket, too, that I made in a class with Char. It’s a little “rough around the edges”, but maybe you also remember harvesting the willow along the roadsides and weaving in the front yard of what’s now the shop.
Yes, good and long-held memories that started with that one class.
We all miss you!
It has been about a year since my daughter and I were there –a weaving class. It was such a great experience . The newsletter is so fun to get and sure brings back memories. Thanks for taking the time via the newsletter to keep the memories going!
Thank you Polly, I remember you and Peggy coming for class. In fact, Nancy Frantz is here right now teaching another group to weave on the table looms.
Thanks for staying connected through the newsletter!
Take care,
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Thank you, Susan! I will add the email address that is shown so that you can continue to follow the news from Sievers.