With a little quiet time in the shop the other day and the camera at hand, the opportunity came up to focus on some additional items that Sievers students and teachers have sent us on consignment. We’ve tried to capture at least one representation of the many baskets, beadwork pieces and types of jewelry that are in the Sievers Shop this year. In this photo, from left to right are a pine needle basket, a birch bark star ornament, a black ash miniature basket/pin cushion, a birch bark basket and a lidded pine needle basket. These are one-of-a-kinds (but we do happen to have several of the the birch bark ornaments). Prices from left to right and corresponding to the […]
A tale of two classes
Back in February, we had no idea that it would be July before the first Sievers class of 2020 would take place. In May, we weren’t sure when and if we could hold a class. Then guidelines were issued and we hoped some of our classes would work with precautions in place. Many factors are being taken into consideration for each class. Can an instructor teach from a six-foot distance? Depending on the subject, how many students can be accommodated in the studio? Are students using any shared equipment? What level of comfort is there from all involved in travelling and gathering with others? All that being said, we have so far been able to hold two classes, Quilt Design […]
Washington Island summer
It’s time to share more photos of Washington Island, summer-style. Water levels are still exceptionally high. There’s water on the ferry dock and across the road leading to the Jackson Harbor town dock. The fields are filled with corn, summer blooms, butterflies, Whitetail Deer, Sandhill Cranes and hidden (and not-so-hidden) lavender. As far as an update on Island happenings in general, more events have been postponed until 2021, including the Death’s Door BBQ, Lions Club Fly-In Fish Boil and Island Fair and Scandinavian Dance Festival. In addition, Rock Island State Park is closed for the season to all visitors. The Friends of Rock Island continue to share information on their Facebook page. The newly christened W.I. Ferry Line vessel, Madonna, […]
Sievers and weaving
Continuing with a little more history, you may recall Sievers started with plan sheets to build a loom. The first print advertisement was placed in American Home Crafts magazine in 1974. In Walter Schutz’s own records, he notes on January 26, 1974, “Got our first request for our loom plans from Allen Roberts who owns north of us on Green Bay Road”. The first order of plan sheets placed from this ad was on April 15, 1974 for $9.00. About 50 orders were received in the first four months. Soon after, floor loom plans were added and Sievers began to become a name associated with weaving. Sievers School continues to offer more classes in the weaving category than in any […]
All about “Sievers”
A few days ago, we had a visit from a couple who happened to come to Washington Island for the day. Driving by, the shop immediately caught their eye as their name was Sievers, too! They took a photo in front of the building near the sign that says “Sievers Est. 1979”. Coincidentally, they happened to get married in 1979! We’ve been asked and often mention the origin of the business name, Sievers. Although Walter Schutz was the founder, it was his wife Sophie (Sievers) Schutz who was a weaver, learning at the Beloit, WI vocational school. Using her loom as a jumping off point, Walter designed loom plans and began selling them to do-it-yourself builders via mail order. In […]
Of spinning and dyeing
Since 2017, we’ve kept a Sievers calendar close by, writing in the names of students and teachers who we haven’t seen for some time that happen to stop in for a visit. Generally, we have several entries each week and during July and August, it can be several each day. We love re-connecting in this way and keeping this record has been so much fun, we wish we would have thought of it years earlier! Just a couple weeks ago, a former student stopped in while biking on the Island. She’d taken one class here in 1987, spinning with Franie Philps. Since our first year, Sievers has offered spinning and Franie was the instructor from 1982-1999. For one of her […]
June news and views
Each day feels more and more like summer with all the leaves and flowers out, stirring in the warm sunshine. Early this spring, a maple tree was transplanted just outside the Walter Studio. It seems to have taken to its new home quite well. We’ve had plenty of water to keep the new tree growing, but not as much as this tree has! Our new neighbors have opened as the Inn at Frog Hollow and are taking reservations. Welcome, Dan and Dawn Nelson! They join our next closest lodging neighbor, Jackson Harbor Inn, in our favorite part of the Island. The Washington Island Ferry Line will be expanding their schedule to eleven trips at day, starting June 11. In Sievers […]
All of a sudden, the rare and not-so-rare flowers are blooming in the marshes, the woods and along the roadsides. It won’t be long before we’re on the lookout for Lady Slippers. If one Trillium is wonderful, how would you describe hundreds of them? These lovely flowers certainly stand alone, but in keeping with our idea to occasionally feature work in our shop, here are a few flora-inspired items that caught our eye: If you’re interested, please use our Contact Us page to enter your name, address, credit card information and a message. For all of these items, shipping and sales tax (if applicable) would be added to the total. While we’re in the office from Monday through Friday, the […]