We are lucky to have a lot of space in the Sievers Shop to feature so many beautiful handmade items from our students and teachers along with yarns, books and other fiber art goodies. In addition, we’ve got quite a few things which are pretty much hidden or cleverly tucked away from view. One of those spots is underneath the stairs that goes to the loft in the shop. Here we have Schacht Inkle Looms ($89), a cherry loom bench ($125), a Sievers cone and tube holder ($45), loom shelf ($90) and sets of two threading blocks ($20). Stacked on shelves, upstairs and down, are many silk, cotton and rayon fabrics available by the yard and as scarves of […]
Sievers Pop-Up Shop #4 : Handwoven and home
We’ve all been spending more time at home these days, so it seemed natural to focus this pop-up shop on items for the home, including a number of handwovens. This cozy, Scandinavian-inspired throw with a soft-as-a-cloud fleece backing is made of wool and cotton and is priced at $175. The display basket is $125. If dining out has turned into dining in, why not make it special with a beautiful table? There’s nothing like a handwoven rug to create a real feeling of homeyness. Whether they are made using llama fiber… …or cotton fabrics ( “rags” isn’t the right term to use for these rugs) to create just the right design, a custom rug can set the tone in any […]
Sievers Pop-Up shop #3: Keeping warm
This pop-up Sievers Shop is looking ahead a bit to the days when we will need to keep warm! We know how cozy these items can be since we often find ourselves selling them on the hottest days of the summer, like these three pair of mittens, made from upcycled wool sweaters, lined with fleece and featuring special embellishments ($75 each). More upcycled wool mittens and hats are available in the shop along with chenille hats and knit headbands that will definitely keep the ears warm. Wearing a cowl is like getting a little personal hug. Pom-poms still rule the knitted hat scene! Warm comes in many genres, including woven scarves and shawls… …and silks and sunsets, which are just […]
Sievers Pop-Up Shop #2: The write stuff
This is the second in a series of pop-up shops featuring items made by the students and teachers of Sievers. Our “write stuff” shop focuses on cards, papers and books along with reading and writing tools. We’ll start with these paste paper cards which come in a pack of eight for $18.00. A special book to write special words and special writing tools can record special ideas. For handmade books, wrapping or card making, we have a variety of marbled papers. If a ready-made card is more your style, these woodland scenes are based on actual textile “painted” landscapes. When you just have to set down your writing or reading, these might come in handy. In book-related news, although book […]
Sievers Pop-Up Shop: Baskets, beadwork and jewelry
With a little quiet time in the shop the other day and the camera at hand, the opportunity came up to focus on some additional items that Sievers students and teachers have sent us on consignment. We’ve tried to capture at least one representation of the many baskets, beadwork pieces and types of jewelry that are in the Sievers Shop this year. In this photo, from left to right are a pine needle basket, a birch bark star ornament, a black ash miniature basket/pin cushion, a birch bark basket and a lidded pine needle basket. These are one-of-a-kinds (but we do happen to have several of the the birch bark ornaments). Prices from left to right and corresponding to the […]
Of spinning and dyeing
Since 2017, we’ve kept a Sievers calendar close by, writing in the names of students and teachers who we haven’t seen for some time that happen to stop in for a visit. Generally, we have several entries each week and during July and August, it can be several each day. We love re-connecting in this way and keeping this record has been so much fun, we wish we would have thought of it years earlier! Just a couple weeks ago, a former student stopped in while biking on the Island. She’d taken one class here in 1987, spinning with Franie Philps. Since our first year, Sievers has offered spinning and Franie was the instructor from 1982-1999. For one of her […]
All of a sudden, the rare and not-so-rare flowers are blooming in the marshes, the woods and along the roadsides. It won’t be long before we’re on the lookout for Lady Slippers. If one Trillium is wonderful, how would you describe hundreds of them? These lovely flowers certainly stand alone, but in keeping with our idea to occasionally feature work in our shop, here are a few flora-inspired items that caught our eye: If you’re interested, please use our Contact Us page to enter your name, address, credit card information and a message. For all of these items, shipping and sales tax (if applicable) would be added to the total. While we’re in the office from Monday through Friday, the […]
A soft opening for the shop
For this Memorial Day weekend, we’ll have the shop open on Saturday and Sunday from 10-4. After that, the shop will be open by appointment. For appointments, please call 920-847-2264, contact us via email at mail@sieversschool.com, text 920-535-0863 or send a message to our Facebook or Instagram pages. As we gauge the number of visitors to the shop over the next few weeks, we may make adjustments to our schedule. One project this winter was making use of some unfinished pine lumber. A limited number of these single crates and attached-double crates are available for $20 and $35 respectively. As to what we are doing to make the shop ready for visitors, we are following the “Commitment to Cleanliness & […]