It’s time for another pop-up shop! Featuring a selection of items, we enjoy sharing the variety of fiber art and fine crafts handmade by our students and teachers with you including jewelry, handwovens, wearables, gifts, baskets and more. Earrings made with a variety of materials, etched copper, birch bark, jasper, wood with pyrography, leather and glass. We hope you’ve had a chance to visit in person, but if not, we’re happy to be able to share a little of the Sievers shopping experience with you in this way. The 2022 Shetland Wool Week free hat pattern was released early this summer and this year’s design is titled “Bonnie Isle Hat”. The waves and swimming fish sure made us think of […]
Sievers News
It was February 27, 2008 when the first “News from Sievers School” blog was posted to our website. It was a bare bones edition with no photos, no email notification of the post and no social media sharing. We’re glad for the changes since then! The post began by saying, “We are happy to add this news page and share what’s happening at Sievers with you. Look for general news, photos, Island events and more. We plan to post news at least once each month, but I’m sure you’ll find that we’ve added something new more often than that. We hope you enjoy the Sievers News.” The rest of the post included a note about the “Aquafishy” box design our […]