Today is officially Local Yarn Store Day 2023. Generally held at the end of April, LYS Day is a reminder of the importance of small businesses and a celebration of brick and mortar yarn shops. It serves as a spotlight on creating an enviornment of knitting and fiber art inspiration, something we’ve enjoyed doing for 44 years. Coincidentally and with perfect timing, the Shetland Wool Week annual hat pattern was released late yesterday. The Shetland Wool Week patron for 2023 is Alison Rendall, a talented and prolific Fair Isle knitter. Alison’s hat is a distinctive design that incorporates traditional elements together with a flower motif. Two of the versions use just two colours – a design led decision by Alison, […]
Keeping up with keps
After a few warm days, we’re back to a typical Washington Island spring, which means temperatures in the 40’s, a northerly breeze and the need to keep our hats and gloves close by. Recently, those who sponsor the annual Shetland Wool Week announced they are unable, again this year, to conduct an in-person event. Today they released their free Shetland Wool Week 2021 hat pattern. Last year’s Katie’s Kep was so well received, they asked the same designer, Wilma Malcolmson, to design the 2021 pattern. It is called Da Crofter’s Kep, honoring the people who work the land and care for livestock in Shetland. We are offering these kits using Jamieson & Smith’s 2-ply jumper weight yarn for Da Crofter’s […]
Pop-up Shop #6: Holidays and handmade
It’s time for another pop-up shop before most of the items are returned to the artists now that our season is coming to a close. We’ve covered a wide representation of handmade work from our students and teachers earlier, so for this pop-up we begin with a holiday theme. These stockings are made from “tattered quilts with vintage jewelry, laces and linens” and measure about 5″ x 16″. $40 each (Limited quantities on all of the handmade work shown above.) For the do-it-yourself-ers who want to knit or weave their own handmade holiday trimmings, a pattern and yarns for wee elves as well as ideas for gifts made with rigid-heddle, inkle and pin looms are also available. For winter handmade […]
September… not quite summer and not quite fall. It’s one of those in-between months that gives the best of both seasons and we often wish it would last a little longer than it does. Re-scheduled to Saturday, September 12, Local Yarn Store Day was created by a committee of shop owners and yarn manufacturers to celebrate brick and mortar yarn shops. They note, “contrary to popular belief, the majority of yarn is purchased through local brick and mortar shops…”. As a local yarn shop, we started small, but have expanded our weaving and knitting yarns over time and in particular since 1996 when classes moved from what is now the shop into the (then newly-built) Sophie Studio. […]
A tale of two classes
Back in February, we had no idea that it would be July before the first Sievers class of 2020 would take place. In May, we weren’t sure when and if we could hold a class. Then guidelines were issued and we hoped some of our classes would work with precautions in place. Many factors are being taken into consideration for each class. Can an instructor teach from a six-foot distance? Depending on the subject, how many students can be accommodated in the studio? Are students using any shared equipment? What level of comfort is there from all involved in travelling and gathering with others? All that being said, we have so far been able to hold two classes, Quilt Design […]
For weavers, knitters and everyone
Attention weavers! A limited production run of Sievers Horizontal Treadle Minders just made their way from the woodworking shop to the office. The treadle minder comes with screws for attaching it to your loom, 10 shot cards and “minder peg”. Cost? $24.00. Sales tax and US Mail shipping is extra. If you are interested in ordering, please use our website Contact Page where you can let us know your order in the Message box and enter your credit card number. Or call! We’d love to hear your voice. 920-847-2264. We looked back to see when these were first offered. It was a mere 39 years ago, in 1981. This is just another one of Walter Schutz’s ideas come to […]