It took a walk in the woods to come up with some lush greens to mark the first day of spring and although all that appeared were mosses, they were at least mostly clear of snow. Ice still remains in the harbors, but has lost ground along the Lake Michigan shore, giving way to several pair of geese. It may be possible that strong north winds affected the growing pattern of these two clumps of cedar trees, making one of the trunks on the right almost ribbon-like. Moving from the out-of-doors to inside the office at Sievers, we continue to receive new yarns, books and handmade items for the shop. Soon it will be time to freshen up all the buildings […]
March Ramblings
March is proving to be contradictory, as usual. There have been snowstorms, windstorms and thunderstorms along with sunshine and alternating warm or cold temperatures. We have yet to see a herald of spring but know we’ll be hearing new birds and seeing some green in the next couple of weeks. The water and ice around the Island remind us to be patient. We are in the midst of ordering yarns, books, patterns, fabrics and more for the upcoming season, including some new yarn additions from West Yorkshire Spinners, Baa Ram Ewe and Rowan. Today we counted 277 registrations. It will be so good to see each of you and “catch up” since your last visit! The last few days of March and first few days of April have been set aside for this year’s Quilts of Valor event, coordinated by Ellen […]
Island Winter
As the thermometer is reading 42° at this afternoon and the bright sun is creating a cascade from the eaves, it seemed time to send along a few winter photos of the Island, before much of the snow is gone (temporarily, we’re sure). From the east side of Washington Island to the west side and from the harbors to the ferry passage through “the Door”, the ice will last longer than the snow but it may shift depending on wind direction. It’s not all barren landscape! Shore birds and ducks find resting places and fisherman create their own village out on Detroit Harbor. From the cold light of a February moon to the promise of warm sun for a good maple sap run, we embrace each season!
It’s “Sievers” time again!
The 2017 calendars are almost ready to be turned to February, making us wonder, where did the time go? I guess we can say that the days have been spent preparing this year’s Sievers schedule and getting all the class descriptions and information ready for February 1st and the opening of registration. Featured on the cover of our flyers and brochures this year is a photo of the colorful and intricate Japanese Temari made by Judie Yamamoto. (Click here for 2017 Catalog) Many of the teachers who offered classes in 2016 will be back to teach in 2017. Those on sabbatical this upcoming season are Lorrie Grainger Abdo, Janine Bajus, Betty Carlson, Mary Hettmansperger, Julie Lambert, Rich Prange and Connie Westbrook. We welcome back Ruth […]
From our nest to yours
Our warmest greetings go out to you over the holidays and as winter begins. Whether you are like the winter birds, staying home and finding ways to keep warm or if you have left your nest for a southerly location, we look ahead to the day your wings bring you back to our neck of the woods. Ode to Winter …While a world drifts to sleep Leaves curl and flowers bow Birds take flight to a further place A touch of frost creeps in Stealing the landscape of its colour Soon all shall be held motionless In the still of a winters season Now in all its changing The beauty and perfection of life Is left open to be […]
Beach Scenes
There’s no place like the beach…even in December. Before the snow falls and changes the scenery, covering the patterns found in the rocks along the Lake Michigan side of Washington Island, it was time to see what could be discovered, up close and afar. A speck in the distance from the photo below revealed the fish tug Seediver heading south. These geese and swans could be on their way south, too. We’ll be here, “up north”, enjoying the winter beach scenes!
Keeping Warm
It’s not just within the studios that the memories of time spent together with like-minded friends creating fiber art remain. Now, they are also included in the main building, Jackson Studio. It was time to replace the siding and as you can see, Styrofoam insulation boards used for fabric printing, quilting and more in class are now covering the bare cinderblock and are helping to keep us warm. Thanks, Nancy for this piece of foam and the “Scandin” sawhorses really helped, too. Expert carpenters and the warm sunny days made for a great finish! We’ve had warm November sunsets that just a few days ago were followed by below freezing temperatures. It’s looking more and more like November should, starting with […]
Serenity now…Island style
Today is a good day to remember the quiet scenes from this fall captured these last two weeks on Washington Island. And sunsets… before, during and after. Take time for your own quiet moments, today and everyday, wherever you are!